Increase Your Odds of Conception

Are you trying to have a family but it seems every month passes and you are still not pregnant. There are things you can do to increase your odds of conception. The first step is knowing when you are most fertile.

Use your day planner or another simple calendar to mark the day your period begins each month. Also track the number of days each period lasts. If you have a consistent 28-day cycle, ovulation is likely to begin about 14 days after the day your last period began.
If your cycles are somewhat irregular, subtract 18 from the number of days in your shortest cycle. When your next period begins, count ahead this many days. This is a reasonable guess for your most fertile days. Calendar calculations can be done simply on paper. And they’re free!

Many factors may affect the exact timing of ovulation, including illness, stress and exercise. Counting days is often not accurate, especially for women who have irregular cycles.

Keep track of you basal body temperature. This is the temperature of you body when you are at rest. Ovulation may cause a gradual rise in temperature or even a sudden jump usually between 0.5 and 1.7 degrees Fahrenheit. You are most fertile during the two or three days before your temperature rises. You can assume you are ovulating when the slightly higher temperature remains for three days or more.
You can also try an ovulation monitoring kit this is an over-the-counter ovulation kit it tests your urine for the surge in hormones that takes place before ovulation. For the most accurate results, follow the instructions on the label to the letter. These kits range from $20-$50 so this process can end up being expensive if it takes you a while to conceive.

When you are trying to conceive there are simple things you can do to increase your odds of conception. Such as; having sex regularly if you have sex consistently two or three times a week then you are almost certain to hit a day when you are fertile. For some couples this could be all it takes. Near the time of ovulation have sex once a day. Daily intercourse during the days leading to ovulation could increase the odds of conceiving.

Also don’t hop up and run to the bathroom right after you make love. Lying down for at least a few minutes some fertility experts say at least five minutes after intercourse increases the odds that the sperm will be able to the destination with the awaiting egg.
If you drink coffee especially three cups or more it is time to give it up or switch to decaf. Caffeine is thought to restrict the growth of a developing baby by constricting blood vessels and reducing the blood flow to the uterus. What’s more, a few studies have indicated that excessive consumption of caffeine may contribute to fertility problems.

So as you can see there are things you can do increase your odds of conception. Sometimes it just takes time, patience and having lots of sex.

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