Personality Disorders: Are You Normal?

Many people will classify themselves as normal individuals. However, with the vast number of personality disorders, some people are discovering that they are less normal than previous thought. Personality disorders range from mild conditions to socially debilitating conditions. Here is a list of the common types of personality disorders and their symptoms.

Paranoid Personality Disorder

This common disorder is distinguished by an irrational suspicion of other people. Those living with paranoid personality disorder often believe that others are plotting their downfall and doubt the motive of others. With this particular disorder, everything has a hidden meaning. In other words, people rarely do good deeds out of the kindness of their heart. Instead, they want something in return. This results in many with paranoid personality disorder questioning the loyalty of family members and friends.

Anti-social Personality Disorder

The majority of the population believes that individuals showing signs of anti-social behavior are reclusive and avoid social interaction. However, anti-social behavior encompasses far more. Instead, these persons have a lack of conscience. Thus, they are more apt to engage in criminal acts such as rapes, robberies, etc. Anti-social persons prey on the weak, and enjoy overpowering others. Other character traits include lying and stealing to fulfill their personal needs and wants.

Avoidant Personality Disorder

Individuals living with avoidant personality disorder suffer from extreme social anxiety. These persons often feel socially inadequate. Thus, they tend to avoid any situation that calls for social interaction. Most people suffer from mild forms, which generally involve rejecting invitations to gathering or parties. However, if living with an extreme case of avoidant personality disorder, these persons have little contact with the outside world. This might interfere with their ability to work outside the home. Avoidant personality disorder is more than extreme shyness. These persons are fearful of rejection and show signs of paranoia. Unlike other types of personality disorders, those living with this condition want outside connections. Unfortunately, they do not know how to achieve it.

Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline personality disorder is described as unstable moods and low self-image. If living with this condition, persons likely experience changing mood swings and anger outbursts. Often times, moods swings occur without warning and for no apparent reason. It is also common for individuals with borderline personality disorder to be angry with themselves. They establish high expectations for themselves and others. When expectations are not met, they react very violently. This can result in self-injury such as cutting or suicide.

Histrionic Personality Disorder

In a nutshell, people who show signs of histrionic personality disorder are constant attention seekers. Because of their need to always be the center of attention, these persons may dominate conversations and do everything in their power to become the focus of attention. This might include dressing provocative, embellishing accomplishments, faking illnesses, etc.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

One word best describes a narcissistic person – self-centered. Narcissistic personality disorder and histrionic disorder go hand-in-hand. Likewise, narcissistic persons strive to be the focus of attention at all times. They may even become jealous when someone else has the spotlight. A personality trait of a narcissistic person is their superior attitude. These persons have haughty attitudes and pick their friends very carefully. In their mind, it is a privilege to be within their company.

Dependent Personality Disorder

These persons are very clingy and have a strong need to be taken care of. Due to abandonment fears and fears of being alone, these persons have the tendency to suffocate others. Dependent personality disorder is a cause of many relationship break-ups.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Persons with obsessive compulsive disorder or OCD are overly concerned with perfection and cleanliness. In their minds, everything has to perfect at all times. Moreover, these persons often focus too much attention on small details. Because of their high standards, people living with OCD often believe that others are incompetent and tend to be critical. There are different levels of OCD. Some people spend their days adhering to rituals, whereas others are obsessed with cleanliness and germs. As a result, these persons may constantly clean their homes or wash their hands.

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