Review of Aromatherapy & Herbalism by Rochelle Moore






I bought Rochelle Moore’s 1st book KARMA (change your life) on and found it really different. What prompted me to buy this book was the excellent review that Rochelle Moore received by NYT ELLEN TANNER MARSH. I was very pleasently surprised and found that this book had a beautiful aura from start to finish.

When Rochelle Moore released AROMATHERAPY & HERBALISM I said I would give it a go. Once again, the five star ratings were a part of my decision however this author is so different I was looking forward to reading her 2nd book. Take the back page for instance, where the book is explained to the customer:

“Once upon a time it was so easy. If you wanted a person to fall head-over-heels in love with you, off you went to your garden or local forestry, gathered the necessary herbs or flowers and made up a recipe which ensured that the final outcome would be wonderful”….. What an excellent and highly unusual introduction to this book….it continues

“In this book Rochelle Moore combines Aromatherapy & Herbalism to cure many physical and psychological ailments. She also introduces us to ancient spells and magic potions that were nearly lost during the burning times” …now this really had my attention. It then goes on…

“A witty step-by-step guide for all in how to use essential oils and herbs in the comfort of your own home. This book revives the olden ways and draws away from food additives and chemical substances in our daily diet. A wonderful little gem for those seeking natural remedies”. Ok, I was hooked so I purchased the book.

Well, this introduction did not prepare me for this book at all. The author has written alphabetically how to cure everything from anxiety, panic attacks, depression, bronchitis, cystitis and warts. Even a complete idiot like me could follow it. So, out I went and purchased a few bottles of essential oils, a base almond oil and a few herbs. I wanted to try out one of these recipies especially the one for Asthma as I am a chronic Asthmatic. I did not know what to expect really.

So, home I came with my goodies (which were really very easy to locate) and I made up two recipies for my asthma. I used the essential oil remedy and one of the herbal remedies and WOW is she good. I cannot give this author enought credit. Once a sceptic about the use of new things I now use this book on a regular basis. It is the kind of book that you could keep frever and always find the need for one of the recipies.

My rating for this book is 10 out of 10 and I eagerly await her next book WHEN THE LEVEE BREAKS which is a different genre altogether. This one is for “everyone on a healing journey or for those at an impasse in their lives” … well, I for one will be top of the queue. I found her publishers website and the book is now on pre-order. My order is alredy in.

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