How to Make a Dog Lifter

Dogs that are getting quite old, and ones that have joint pain and other health problems, might still like to travel but have trouble getting in and out of vehicles and other places. And, it can be hard on the owner, lifting the dog in and out, especially if the dog is very large. Now you can make a lifter that will make it much easier to move your dog about, throughout the day.

Choose a colored vinyl for this project, then line the lifter with flannel or another fabric. One source for the vinyl is to purchase an inexpensive tablecloth. And some vinyl tablecloths have a lining making it unnecessary to use the flannel on one side. Vinyl is also sold in remnants, at most upholstery shops or fabric outlets.

The pet lifter is washable and durable. For a small dog, cut the pieces 15″x5″, medium dog, 20″x9″ and for large dogs, 28″x10″. Cut one piece each of vinyl and fabric. Also cut two extra pieces of vinyl, each 14″x 4″, to use for the handles.

Lay the vinyl and flannel pieces on a table, right sides together. Pin the two pieces together and stitch around the perimeter, leaving a few inches open in the center of one end, for turning. Turn the material right side outwards and stitch shut.

Hem both long sides of each handle piece. Align them on the large fabric piece, on the flannel side. Pin into place. Sew a square, going from the edge of the handle end, up 3″, over 3″, then down 3″. Remove pins. Sew an “X” in the center of the square. This will keep the handles very secure.

When ready to use the lifter simply slide it under the dog’s belly, gather the handles, then lift. If you want, you can make a strap that is sewn onto one side and velcros onto the other. The strap goes over the dog’s back and will keep the lifter attached to the dog, for frequent lifting. The lifting device is also great for holding on to your dog as you walk him.

Stitch pockets onto the outside of the vinyl, if desired, to hold doggie’s water bottle or other necessities. Simply throw the lifter in the washer, when necessary, but not in the dryer. Hang on clothesline to dry.

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