Tips on Painting the Exterior of Your Home

If you’re looking to spruce up the look of your home by painting the exterior, then there are certainly some important things to keep in mind. While the vinyl siding on your home can last for years and require little to no maintenance, on occasion there is the need for painting. It’s very possible your vinyl has become stained, faded, or maybe you just need a change in your home’s overall look. Don’t worry; vinyl house paint is an easy and inexpensive solution to covering up vinyl that has seen better days.

Vinyl house paint is the best paint to use, and use a top quality acrylic latex paint. You’ll want to make sure you’ve chosen a paint that has the capability to withstand the elements in your area, especially for those homes near the beach or ocean. For instance, excessive moisture can cause mildew or staining. If this is the case, be sure to choose a paint that is mildew resistant. Though buying vinyl paint can be expensive, keep in mind that it is an important investment and can actually add substantial value to your home down the road. Choosing the right paint will ensure that you’ll have a quality, longer-lasting finish. The reason vinyl house paint does such a great job is because it does a better job sticking and will wear well during extreme weather conditions.

Also, use common sense when selecting a color. If you’re having a difficult time selecting a paint color, then ask a professional to help you pick a color that will be top quality and work well with the current look of your home. Don’t be afraid to buy a small amount of paint for you to take home and test on your house before you apply it in large quantities. Testing is critical. Even if you are sure the color you chose will work, I still recommend taking a small amount home and testing it on the surface of your home. Let it dry and check on it periodically throughout the day in different stages of lighting to be sure you are happy with the color. The color could change dramatically during different times of the day, so don’t jump to any conclusions after the first hour the coat is applied.

When selecting a paint color you’ll need to do an overall evaluation of your home. There are three basic sections: the main siding, the trim, and the overlooks. If your home is not vinyl and is instead brick, you may choose to only paint the trim and accents. Also, what is the type of home you plan to paint? The architectural style of your home can play a big role in selecting a color, as well as other factors such as the color of the roof.

It’s important that you select a paint color that is lighter or the same as the original vinyl color. Light colors make your home seem bigger, and whatever color you choose it’s necessary for it to be balanced. By choosing a complimentary accent color, you can make a difference. Accents can include adding shutters, painting exterior doors, and trim colors. Darker colors cause the sun to damage your vinyl and you’ll eventually be forced to have it replaced. Save yourself the trouble now by identifying the right color. As for painting the trim, choosing complimentary colors is easily accomplished and most paint departments have computers that will suggest matching colors for your paint.

The purpose of painting your house is so that it will look good for several years to come. Doing it right the first time will prevent you from having to do it every summer, which can be a tedious task. Before applying your paint you must prepare the surface. Take a power washer or a hose to wash the excess dirt and mildew from the siding. This will smoothen the surface out and the paint will take to the vinyl much easier. It’s important to have a clean canvas and give it enough time to dry. After the house has taken the time to dry, you’re now ready to begin painting your home!

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