The Seven Most Important Things a Caregiver Must Do to Stay Sane

I have been a full-time caregiver for my mother for the last year. I must confess that it has been anything but easy. Caregivers never get the credit they deserve for doing a job that never has a happy ending. They do so much for the person who is ailing that they often forget about themselves. The important thing to remember is that we can’t be good to anybody unless we’re good to ourselves. I have compiled my list of all the things that the caregiver must do in order to maintain sanity in their life. Caregivers need to be taken care of as well as the ailing.
  1. Get on social networks. If it were not for my various social network accounts, I would go insane. There’s so many days when I would be unable to leave the house, and it’s so easy for feelings of isolation to set in. Social networks make you feel less alone.
  2. Find some time to exercise. Exercise gets rid of so much stress in your body. Yoga is a great way to get rid of stress as well as walking on the treadmill.
  3. Adjust your diet. It’s so easy to turn to comfort food when you’re a caregiver. It’s important to include as many antioxidant fruits and vegetables as possible to rev up your immune system. Juicing is an excellent way to get several servings together in one refreshing drink.
  4. Join support groups. When you talk to certain friends about your situation, sometimes they can’t relate because they haven’t been through it. Joining a support group is the best thing to do because everyone in the room is going through the same storm, and you will feel less alone.
  5. Get out of the house. It’s so important to make some face to face contact with other people. It’s so easy to get cabin fever. Even if it’s for an hour or two, it will make you feel so much better.
  6. Find ways to make money from home. Being a full-time caregiver means that there’s no income coming in for you. There’s plenty of opportunities online to make money.
  7. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. The caregivers often carry the heavy load alone. Don’t let your pride get in the way. Sometimes things get to be too much to handle. Call on neighbors and other relatives to help out.

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