Christmas Carols: A Little History and Some Fascinating Facts

The very first carols in recorded history were in circulation in Europe starting in the 300s A.D. Countries such as France, Germany and Italy had songs for Christmas in their own language before 1000 A.D. By the 1400s, the wassailing and carolling traditions in the British Isles were in full swing. From the British Isles comes the tradition of singing carols on the street and door to door. Christmas and the music of this special time of year are rarely separated in many minds and hearts today.

Although some of the carols sung date from as far back as the medieval times, the majority of the ones that people sing in present times were written in the 1800s or 1900s. Through the years, words for the season were put to popular music of the time in which the words were written. The songs were simple, but they were always full of joy, peace, hope and love.

A Beloved Song

One of those written in the 19th Century was “Silent Night.” This sweet and popular song was composed in 1818 in Austria. Franz Xaver Grube set the music to Joseph Mohr’s words. With a guitar to accompany them, the congregation of St. Nickolas Church in the town of Obernforf was the first to experience the inspiring words and melody of “Silent Night.”

Telling a Story with Music

Numerous songs tell a story regarding the Nativity of Jesus Christ, personal life and the celebratory traditions surrounding Christmas. One of these was written in the Middle Ages about the Czech Duke, Saint or King Winceslaus who lived in the early 900s A.D. “Good King Winceslaus” tells of how this kind-hearted leader braved cold and blustery weather on the feast day of St. Stephen, December 25. This good king went out in the weather to give alms to needy peasants on this day. Here are ten other Christmas songs sung today that tell a story with few or many verses:

Angels We Have Heard On High
Away in the Manger
Hark, the Herald Angels Sing
I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
Oh, Holy Night
O Little Town of Bethlehem
What Child Is This?

Defining Traditional Carols

However, defining Christmas carols in the strictest of meanings leaves only those songs that are traditional and religious, telling of the birth of Jesus. These particular songs are also called hymns or noels for the Nativity. Merry carols have helped people celebrate for centuries in the rich history of Christmas.


A great link for Christmas Carols, Hymns and Noels:

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