Fitness Walking

If you flunked every other fitness programme in the market, this may well be the one with your name on it, Start by plain old walking and then add on a few smart moves to dramatically up returns on your walk-out

But first, some truthful facts. Walking isn’t a get-rich- the best body on the beach contest. It may not even show of your body (that is, you won’t lose dramatic amounts of weight). But what a difference it’ll make to how you feel. Let’s face it, a body that walks just isn’t the same as a body that doesn’t walk.

The good news is that walking really is the perfect exercise, especially for those who are lazy, busy or unmotivated. It is less injury-prone than jogging, it burns the same amount of calories per hour and you can sneak it into your life in all sorts of ways. Which is probably why walking has the lowest dropout rate of any exercise in the world.

A lot of people have the misconception that to be effective, an exercise must be hard and punishing. In fact, the latest research says moderate exercise is the smartest way to get-and stay-fit. Which means walking could well qualify as the finest exercise in the world: but its benefits sneak up on you slowly, much like money adding up in a savings account.
Starting out

If you’re a first-time potato getting A off the couch, start with a 20-minute walks four or five times a week building up to three miles in 45 minutes.

There are only two rules to remember. Maintain good posture at all times that is, walk tall and proud. And two, stretch before and after your walk. Do upper torso rotations followed by stretches for the inner thighs, calves, quads and hamstrings.

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