Buying a Good Treadmill

Everybody talks about exercise, but getting down to doing it is another thing. Like some of the equipment found at most any gym today, machines such as climbers, stair steppers, slant boards treadmills and ellipticals can have you moving in an upward motion. And all of it is a challenge to work off pounds and calories, or to build cardio and muscle strength-or both. Hanging out at the gyms before work, after work, lunchtime can offer camaraderie, classes to make you do what you think is hard work, and an availability of equipment. Some people actually love to sweat (or maybe just feel guilty about working off those inches) that you see these gym rats, day in and day out. For many of us though, the idea of the uphill struggle on the climbers or whatever you like to use is embarrassing in front of others, and then for some people-a host of energetic gym rats-you can’t get enough. The solution to both problems is a home gym.

Having your own personal equipment at your ease, rain and shine, snow or ice, sunrise or at the crowing of the rooster, will give you both time and opportunity to work on yourself, exactly the way you’d like. And it makes sense when you realize that the things you use most that are part of your daily lifestyle are in your house-your TV, music, computer, phone-and today it’s an easy matter to have a treadmill or other indoor gym equipment at your convenience-perhaps even in front of your home entertainment system.

Home gyms can consist of as much or as little equipment as you can afford and have the space for. Having a treadmill in your house can seem like too huge an elephant to consider. Take heart, however, because today, there are in fact many companies that offer excellent quality machines that even fold up and are on castors for storage and pushing out of the way. But, just a word of caution–don’t run out and buy cheep machines for home use or your running may be to the repair store too often. Quality is important and you are wise to be aware of what qualities you are looking for, or what you will need in a treadmill or any other type of gym equipment.

Here are the attributes to look for in a treadmill:

– Motor-a strong enough horsepower to sustain your amount of running or walking to power the belt smoothly and consistently. And also to support the weight of the persons using it!
– Belt and Deck-long and wide enough for your comfort, and cushioned well enough for your comfort.
– Display/Control Panel-Has enough programmed courses as you need so you don’t get bored, and enough feedback information such as time, distance, speeds and calories burned. Make sure it’s readable and easy to use while you are in motion! Check the range of speed control, and if there is a heart rate monitor.
– Incline Capability-If you’d like to do hills to add to the intensity of your workout, make sure the incline is automatic. Hydraulic machines tend to break down.
– Warranty is important because machines do break down.

Once you have your equipment right in your house, you’ll find there is no limit to the creative ways you can combine working out with leisure activities. There are people who light candles, burn incense, put on mood music and feel an enlightenment in their home gyms. Others feel the freedom to dress as they wish, or sans clothes altogether. Many people find that combining their indoor treadmill and catching up on old movie classics is a winner for them. However you choose to do it, working out at home can be a pleasure.

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