Pet Insurance? Sure It’s Available!

The family pet is considered in most cases to be another valued member of the family. They play an integral part in our everyday lives. That’s why when they need care or become ill, we want them to have access to the best care. There are annual vet visits and immunizations, but there are also those little emergencies that pop up on occasion.

Many of today’s pet owners have come to the realization that in order to keep little Tabby or Fido happy and healthy they will need to be prepared just like with any other member of the family. Failure to plan ahead can be a costly mistake. This is a lesson I learned through experience.

Puppies and kittens are very playful and inquisitive. They manage to get into so many things and places, not unlike small children. Wouldn’t you take the time to plan ahead for medical check-ups and emergencies where your children were concerned? If you are the type of pet owner who believes in only the best possible care for your pet, and many people are, it will save you quite a bit of money to plan ahead. Consider pet insurance as one of your options.

One thing I have learned recently is that as pets age they acquire medical conditions very similar to our own. Some develop heart, liver or kidney problems, arthritis, cataracts, dental problems, and many other conditions. My male dog is about to turn sixteen years of age and has been diagnosed with an enlarged prostate. According to the vet this is not uncommon. However, when trying to select a pet, not many people study the medical conditions that are sometimes associated with that particular breed or class. Additionally, everyone gets caught off guard by accidents and sudden illnesses.


Why Would It Benefit Me To Get Health Insurance For My Pet?

You would be better prepared financially to handle vet visits, shots, medications, emergency visits, etc., and you have the peace of mind of knowing that you are doing the best you can to care for your pet. If the unexpected happens, you are prepared.

When Should I look Into Purchasing Pet Insurance?

As soon as you make the decision to become a pet owner this should be on your list of things to do for your pet. Younger animals are usually healthy with few, if any, problems. If your pet is more mature you should insure them as soon as possible.

What Type Of Pet Insurance Should I Buy?

There are so many different companies offering pet insurance today. Most offer different plans with different coverages and deductible levels. Choosing pet insurance will be very similar to selecting your own insurance for your family. One suggestion is to check with your vet. Many of them now have insurers they recommend. Check the Internet. There are also discount programs available. Just review each one carefully.

How Much Is Pet Insurance?

Once again, the policies vary. There are many different options available. Some policies cover office visits and all immunizations, while others cover accidents and emergency care. Some cover major illnesses, such as cancer or heart problems, while some may combine several of these. Just remember to review each one carefully.

What If My Pet Has A Pre-Existing Condition?

Believe it or not, there are policies that will cover pre-existing conditions in pets. However, once again, you must ask questions and carefully review the different policies offered. These may have special stipulations. This is another reason to insure your pet as soon as possible.

Will Pet Insurance Be Available For My Older Pet?

There are policies available with no age restrictions. However, keep in mind that the premiums and deductibles Increase for older animals.

Has Pet Insurance Only Recently Become Available?

No. Pet insurance has been around for several years. However, with the increase in new veterinary procedures and technological advances in pet health care, has come an increase in prices for that advanced care. Again, this is not unlike insurance for humans. All of this has lead to increased interest in pet insurance plans.

You may be a person who is financially stable enough to afford any care that your pet may require. That’s great. This is only an option. It’s certainly not for everyone. It would just be so much better to be prepared for an emergency or sudden illness than to be caught off guard and have to suffer the consequences.

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