The Holy Gospel in the Modern World of XXI Century – Part 1

1. Introduction for Abstract Mind about Christian Religion

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Discussions about text, spirit and content of the New Testament and Holy Bible in lands and countries with mostly (and traditionally) Christian populations, are discussions with maybe the biggest contradictions, with big misunderstandings in hearth and mind of speakers on both sides – from one side, Christians with faith without confusions, with fire in words and arguments not only from Holy Bible, but also from deep religion feelings; on the other side stands atheists, materialists without visible religion feelings on surface of their scientific (or sometimes pseudoscientific) faith. In this essay, we will try to confirm only the truth, and to reconcile thoughts of believers, and unbelievers to, with arguments with nature of both religion and scientific truth.

Misunderstandings in Christianity population mostly comes from facts of hundred percent believing, or hundred percent disbelieving in religion picture about: one living God without any other gods or idols, one living human soul, spirit of man, for every one living human person, one place for living of souls after death of body, the Heaven; idea about Holy Trinity and human-like person of Son of a God, Christ, idea about sinless conceive and God nature of Jesus, and idea about resurrection in body (not only by soul) of Jesus Christ body, etc. Atheists say that isn’t possible for example sinless conceive or resurrection in body, and that’s why isn’t possible existence of Heaven, or even existence of God, and that is main problem: they decline a priori things that are truly possible, things that deeply represents real nature of human life and Universe, real true about life and existence – but atheists are hard believers in atheism, and they decline reasonable religion truths, with misunderstandings about hard lines in New Testament and Christianity believe. On the other side, believers truly say that there is one living God, Heaven, and one human spirit, human soul for every human person – when they say that, Christians wants to blindly believe in every possible sentence about religion truth, without criticism or comment given by reasonable human mind – in that point, they sometimes fall in disbelieving or melancholy, left without reasonable answer on every religion question about New Testament; yes, that is just right situation for atheists, and one of their biggest arguments about matters of religion. In this essay, we will try to justify true ideas about God, Heaven, and man (human) like deeply immortal person through his immortal soul, and to talk about sentences from Holy Gospel on moderate, true way – there is much more true about Jesus Christ than any atheist anytime means.

In this Introduction, we will talk about materialism and atheism as well as scientific and philosophical idealism, trying to talk about human society, being of Universe in close connection with reasons of existence of human world, and then, in other paragraphs, we will talk about truths in Holy Gospel.

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We can talk about existence of human spirit, soul deep in human being (beyond a human brain and nerve system), on many ways, in many aspect. Human soul as pure human consciousness is in close connection, in collision with nature of social being, being of community with human persons in general. Without presence of soul in human body, humans couldn’t ever create culture, civilization, or any relation or thing which represents living in human community. That consciousness (human soul) makes differences between occasional and inconsistent knowledge of biological logical structure (human and animal brain) and stable, steady, amplified knowledge in form of logical and almost scientific system in every human person who is member of cultural human community, with possibility of changing, possibility of reasonable critics and sharing with others through the language. Human brain is not in position to make, amplify and inherit knowledge which represents self-standing system, with future culture and social upgrades whose comprehend hard logical structure of older knowledge in solid being of new logical and social, a new cultural progress. One of the biggest proofs about existence of a human soul is a language in all human cultures – self standing knowledge, upgradeable and distends like wave circles on a sea surface, gives opportunity to little kids to talk with structurally same words as grown people, because little girls and boys have same pure consciousness as grown man – human soul – different is only experience, wider and smarter way of understanding problems, and that represents hard lifetime work of brain cells in every grown human, work and process of changing structure of secondary human consciousness, a biological one. Without primary source of consciousness, human couldn’t ever make so smart changes in own brain, couldn’t make culture, cities, states, or even cultural family. Christianity says that human soul is immortal, and that’s why soul has not sex, age, generation, nationality, and many other characteristics of human body (person). Chemical and cultural causes in human nerve system and in “software” knowledge of human mind (brain) make basic differences in basic human body social roles, like man opposite to woman, parents to kids, soldier to priest, etc., but things that makes humans similar in fillings and thinks are not only similar things because brain system has similar fields despite differences in sexes, generations or nationalities – similarity in all categories is similarity from same structure of human soul for every living human.

We will now talk a little about place for human souls, Heaven, and about a high powerful being with religion interpretation as God of the Universe.

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Scientific valuation says to us that twenty billion people was born, rose and die on our planet since beginning of human population with humans like us. In this moment, almost seven billion people live on Earth. We can now imagine that till the end of our civilization, the number of people who was born and lived on Earth can easy reach several hundred billions! Because every human has unique gift from a God – his human soul which is immortal and eternal, we can now imagine that Heaven is such huge place, with lakes, rivers and seas, with fruit and vegetables, with trees and forests. That thesis is not without foundation in manuscripts of Holy Bible.

In Old Testament, there is live picture of the first people in Gardens of Heaven, with all kinds of living forms in spectacularly perfect conditions, forms, in idealistic nature without faults. We can imagine Heaven not only like a huge, huge place for billions of human spirits, but also like a pleasant place with perfect, idealistic water, flowers, trees, fruits, fishes, etc. When we think about this short-lived, passable life of stars, planets, nations and people, about things made of perishable matter and substance, we can easy understand that our water, air, our fruit and even shine of human face, represents only imperfect picture of real thing – idealistic and eternal form of things, nature, space and eternal bodies, in World of Heaven.
When we talk about presence and will of God, we can’t find too much direct lines in Holy Bible about God, and reason is so simple: every description about nature of God can affect making of wood or iron idols, that disease for human hearts in Old Age, like poison for masses of people. Holy Bible talks mostly about good will of God, presence of holy nature in form of Holy Ghost, near the human communities.

We can imagine this Universe like form of development in billion different ways controlled by God. But, when we accept vision of great God nature in traditional Christian opinion, vision about one God, one world, one human with one human soul, how we can defend abstract fact that there is one, singular God nature, not like less or bigger community of high beings?
In traditional philosophy, on early beginnings in ancient Greek culture, philosopher Parmenides gave philosophical proof of unity of being. He was very smart man, but we can find proofs about unity of God nature easier, with simple facts.
When we talk about traditional family, about patriarchate family, we can blame fathers and older mans in families through centuries because their formal and real severity, because taking a rights from women and young people. But, that is not right essence of patriarchate – in world with many forms of danger, evil for people and their families in social and natural structure of our world, idea about one mind who lids efforts of others, one mind with one hand on resolving one hard problem, one opinion in one dangerous situation for daughter or son, that idea is reasonable shield for people and families in hard and difficult, deadly dangerous situations many times in human history. When we say that now day modern families with equal rights for each member are better with more justice, we can’t say that patriarchate family didn’t save many lives in many difficult history situations. As Christian believers, we can easy understand picture about one God’s mind for one mankind in several dangers, with one destination for saving humans, picture about one mind of God which controls one being in one reasonable developing of space, natural and social world, with one virtue about free and progressive mankind. That is main reason why we think that there is only one God.

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There are many layers in real definition of consciousness, and if we want to analyze that issue, we can see and imagine social and cultural ideas spoken by consciousness with meaning and content pretty close to other similar humans, inherit knowledge like safe and solid logical structure in consciousness, consciousness itself like nature and form of human soul, chemistry of brain and nerve system with memories as almost sometimes wildly emotional memories, etc. Problem of analyzing of structure, meaning, effect and quality and quantity range of consciousness and human mind is so complex, so we can only put little labels about directions of investigations. But, in one aspect, on the place where science and philosophy impact with religion, we must discuss with that.

The most famous idealistic philosopher in New Age, Hegel, bravely said clear sentences about World Spirit, pure logic and logical being of Universe (and also human society) – he said: World Spirit leads his job in huge. That means: substances (all matter) is not self developed, and logic in all substances and materials, in all beings (and also living beings) refers to World Spirit. Please acknowledge that World Spirit is not God, and not even Holy Ghost – Hegel thinks about “software” in things which controls something that looks like self develop.

Karl Marks, successor of Hegel’s philosophy, materialist and science enthusiasts, had different, much different opinion: he sad that Hegel’s point of view puts picture of world and Universe on head, upside-down. With his opinion, we must imagine Universe as absolutely self-logical entity. That issue is old like philosophy itself, because even so old philosopher like Heraclites said that things have logic inside, “because we can think logically about World, with our logical mind”.

When we talk particularly about social being, things are much harder. Modern science treat social being like “sui generis”, and that means: there is “soft layer” without one single human brain, mind. Social roles in lives of people, language and talk, ideas and knowledge, is not possible like upgrade of assemblies of humans and human communities. Now, we can think that there is logic in things and substances, but that logic is not pitched for developing and strong growing in ideas and substances, in all possible forms. Science of Hegel (being of “World Ghost”) is too mach abstract and idealistic, and in same time too much simplified, but we can say: that science is closer to truth than science of self-develop, like science of Karl Marx.
In the next chapter, we will start to discuss about Holy Gospel.

2. Gospel According to St. Matthew – Gospel in XXI Century

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“The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. Abraham begat Isaac; and Isaac begat Jacob; and Jacob begat Judas and his brethren; And Judas begat Phares and Zara of Thamar; and Phares begat EsromâÂ?¦”

For ancient writer, and so for the apostle Matthew, it was very important for every entrance in Holy Bible that every person, and more important than anything else man like Jesus Christ has clear situation about his forefathers, and main reason is clear: patriarchal society and family is same society and family like society and family in Holy Bible. Now days, it’s simple for every modern woman or man to know who is her/his father, grandfather, and maybe few other persons, old fathers in family. In Bible, in that historical period, it was important (not only for Jew community), very, very important, for every man to know about his fathers for centuries, even from beginning of historical time (Eve and Adam in Heaven). When we talk about architect of two thousand years of Christianity, saver of the world and messenger from God, Jesus Christ, for ancient writer was also very important that Jesus comes from king David, from very powerful and important historical person – that is not only one reason; prophets from the Old Testament told: Lion from David’s origin will save the World.

All Christians know that Jesus’ mother Mary afford her son with will of Holy Ghost – why is so necessary to mention origin of her husband Joseph? It is important, in accord with patriarchal society of ancient world – Jesus was born in decent marriage of Joseph and Mary, and his ancestor was King David, like prophets said.

“Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy GhostâÂ?¦”

Why was so important for ancient people fact that Jesus comes from the Holy Ghost, not from Joseph, husband of Mary? Old people knew facts about woman and man, but they didn’t know anything about DNA and developing of human being. When we deeply analyze that issue, first we must know that nature of influence of the Holy Ghost isn’t material – He didn’t physically added half DNA – Holy Ghost is spirit, and we can describe his influence like influence of huge, strong magnet close to little bits of iron. St Matthew simply said that Holy Ghost is spiritually so strong, and his close presence made spiritual help to Mary to beget her son – it’s a strong metaphor, metaphor which told us: Mary beget Jesus by spiritual (not in any meaning material, or biological) presence of Holy Ghost, and she beget her son by power of nature of her inner being. That is metaphor, and if you ask me why that metaphor is necessary, you must think in first place about ancient patriarchal world of Holy Bible – saver of the world must be the most decent man in Universe!

And when we talk about Holy Ghost, we can make question about nature of Holy Trinity – in Christianity, we talk about one invisible God; why is necessary Holy Trinity, and particularly the Holy Ghost? That is not only theoretical, but also strong practical issue in Christian belief – idols, gods from wood and iron, were a huge, huge danger for believe, and even persons from priest families took apart in some of idol “religions”. We can even laugh today on such situation, but that situation was dangerous like global threaten to Christianity in ancient time, so almost deadly, huge threaten. With God with unknown face and body for people, with Holy Ghost like spirit, like soul, it was almost impossible to Christians to make idols, and even to others to make idol for Christian God.

Now, we can say: birth of Jesus, and also notion, concept and idea of the Holy Trinity, has foundation.

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“âÂ?¦ And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shall call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sinsâÂ?¦”

Term of sin in the Holy Bible is one of the central questions; social life of people, like scene for sins in human population, is result of confrontation of objective social being produced by assembly of human consciousnesses with same that consciousnesses like product of two beings – chemical and biological human body, and perfect, immortal human soul, soul which not produce sin by itself, but only with biological body. Issue about human sins is not only important in Holy Bible, like question about eternal life for people who make penitence for their sins – sin is not only religion sin, and we can see modern world like world of low, order, place of justice and rights – every norm in modern society is structured social barrage for human sins. Human sin is not only important matter for Christianity, but also, on implicit way, human sin is matter of Constitution, low and order. Ancient people in Holy Bible didn’t gain modern state and social being in such different forms to amplify term and notion of sin on that social way, indirect but strong present of problems with braking social norms, “sins” of modern time. Of course, many classical sins from the Holy Bible are still alive and present even today, also maybe in bigger quantity. We will talk about that important issue, issue about human sin in the Holy Bible, latter in this essay.

“And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain: and when he was set, his disciples came unto him: And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying, Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the Kingdom of HeavenâÂ?¦”

When Jesus says: poor in spirit, I think he didn’t mean in first place on differences in education in human population. Poor in spirit means, “people who are users of social service”, I think. That means, “Rich in spirit” are people who use their knowledge to make social system, to improve human society, and to make services in society. And what is problem with better knowledge, with conclusions about political, social, economical system, what is the problem with right conclusions about social world of human beings? Answer is not social or political, answer is answer by religion.

When we improve our social system, that is not wrong, of course – but when we do not think in that time about this world (even social, human world) about temporary world, and when we forget ideas and ideals about Kingdom of Heaven, then high rated focus on our social being on Earth makes that high knowledge gain all forces to imperfect world without presence of God in that world, in Earth of humans. “Poor in spirit”, plain people who don’t create main characteristics of social and economical system, are accorded to Jesus in better position, because they do not forget about more important matters in religion, by creating every time better and better social world on Earth, like “Rich in spirit”!

Knowledge is not problem for Jesus, for the Holy Bible, or for God – only problem can appear, accord to Jesus, when knowledge about social being and economical and political system become more important then religion, then Christianity, then aspect about World of Heaven, and eternal life. In other occasions, knowledge is not enemy of Christianity.

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“Ye have heard that it hath been said, an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: But I say unto you, that ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other alsoâÂ?¦”

This sentence in Holy Bible is not important only by her primary moral advice about tolerance in human communities; we can analyze this sentence from point of primary Christianity task, a fight again force of sin.

When we analyze all living, biological forms, we can see that every nerve system in nature gives heavy, hard reaction of biological substance from accidents in surrounding of living form that we observe. Every danger situation in biological nature makes signals for reacting by living form which is in danger. Human brain represents not only entity of minds and feelings, but also high reacting entity for every possible threaten from social and natural environment. In human societies, we must work hard about issue of human tolerance, just because our brain represents a natural nerve cloud of reacting, and sometimes overreacting. Jesus in this sentence gives not only moral and religion, but also social message for human tolerance in human society – with such almost ideal tolerance (like abstract, implicit moral message), sins in human actions and words are smaller and smaller.

“Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon Earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be alsoâÂ?¦”

In this sentence, Jesus talks about philosophically, scientifically and naturally, about in every way two different beings, about human being and human social world as binary system of two philosophical beings – one is corruptible, provisory, impermanent, being with things geared by physical energy; physical energy (exchange of physical energy) makes that things mischief itself with flow of time. Spiritual being, being without effect or action by physical energy, last forever, and one of that beings is every human soul. All things in this world with time are getting bad, and also human body, until a moment of anthropological death. After death, human soul (with all human consciousness, and also memories), goes to eternal and perfect World of Heaven. I will not discuss about that issue a lot, but I’ll refer you to my earlier work, essay called “Christian Belief and Modern Science and Philosophy”, where you can find a lot of discussion about that important issue in Christianity. I’ll only say that in this sentence Jesus implicit defines World on Earth (visible Universe) and World of Heaven – his notice gives definition characteristics for two different beings, for binary system of philosophical being.

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“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree brings forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree brings forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit; neither [can] a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that brings not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know themâÂ?¦”

We will discuss this sentence with closer look. When Jesus says good thing can be produced only by good thing, we must know: he doesn’t think that heritable faults, for example from parents to their kids, or from teacher to pupils, etc. are something wrong like fault of a genus (generation) with guilt of hereditary characteristics in human population. No, not at all: Jesus says that every human being deserves love and respect, without limitation of human body characteristics. Jesus thinks something absolutely different: he claims to hard devastating political ideas, white spread and destructive, like offenders for social evils. In that manner, when he talks about heredity, he talks about spreading hard political ideas through time and population, social believes sometimes with wide, tragic consequences. Every social related official, every politician in modern time, must to know that destructive political ideas are spreading like wind, because those ideas are in nature of being closely related with meaning and system of social roles and their functioning. Psychology of masses is psychology of hiding and seeking in labyrinth of social roles, in labyrinth of a being of social system. Jesus claims: every strong man who spread social, economical and political ideas must be very, very careful.

“âÂ?¦Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known. What I tell you in darkness, [that] speaks you in light: and what ye hear in the ear, [which] preaches you upon the housetops. And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soulâÂ?¦”

When he talks about covered things in every human life, Jesus in first place means on mistakes and sins that people actually make, and he talks about knowledge in eternal Kingdom of Heaven; human soul without human body is not any more prisoner of physical light in human eyes or physical sound in human ears as the only way to communicate, and also to exchange or hide information. Hiding a part of information is main way for functioning of system of social roles, as the most important system in social system in general, in system of social being – we can even say: every man is everything what he knows and thinks about himself! That issue is very important, because human being is not accidentally being with secrets and without transparent sensors – this situation is not accidental, and system of social roles is almost one of the points of human Universe. If we know that human soul is substantially different being of anthropological human body with physical sensors for physical light and sound and with biological brain in nature and society where secrets mean life, than we know that in Heaven human secrets (in eternal life) have not any valid purpose.

“Think not that I am come to send peace on Earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword, for I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man’s foes [shall be] they of his own household. He that love father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that love son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And he that take not his cross, and follow after me, is not worthy of me. He that found his life shall lose it: and he that loses his life for my sake shall find it.”

On many places in Gospel, we can see so young Jesus, young passionate man Jesus Christ, his passion and youth ness, we can see so strong passion and young emotions: Jesus says, when they told him that his mothers, sisters and brothers visited him: “They are not my relatives! Only relatives in religion are my relatives!”, or, he strikes like every young man in strong passion scribers, and young scribers say to him: “Teacher, your way is way of truth, and you do not see who is who! (In this, in social world)”! His passion, his will and strength are passion and strength of emotionally wild, young man, young hero without fear to the last moment! So, if you understand this, don’t be afraid with this sentence about relatives of believers in ancient world, and not of course about your nice relatives!

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“Then the Pharisees went out, and held a council against him, how they might destroy him. But when Jesus knew [it,] he withdrew himself from thence: and great multitudes followed himâÂ?¦”

This is important sentence. Every Christian knows that conspiracy against Jesus from ancient scribes, priests and Pharisees resulted with crucifix of Jesus Christ. This sentence says: “âÂ?¦held a council against himâÂ?¦ (to) destroy himâÂ?¦”. What is so important in that (except fact about conspiracy)?

You see, every human conflict in human societies is result of precedent, of preliminary thinking about conflict, thinking against other human or social group. First goes thinking about conflict (against somebody) – then goes conflict by itself. What is a mechanism? Thinking is conclusion, and conclusion is always knowledge, experience in our mind, and pure knowledge in our mind. It is knowledge, and same fact is if you make brain conclusion and learn a poem, or if you make conclusion (which becomes knowledge) against your neighbor or opponent in chess party.

So, if you in your mind make a conclusion against your friend or relative, you will a hundred percent sure tell some hard word or gesture, and if you ask why – I’ll tell: conflict conclusion is in our head knowledge like any other knowledge. Pharisees made a council, they made a conclusion, they made a knowledge, and, conflict (conspiracy against Jesus) – has been started!

“While he yet talked to the people, behold, [his] mother and his brethren stood without, desiring to speak with him. Then one said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to speak with thee. But he answered and said unto him that told him, who is my mother? And who are my brethren? And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, behold my mother and my brethren! For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.”

What a Jesus! Frankly, for modern Christians couldn’t be a problem on this place if Jesus wishes a greeting to his close relatives, to his sisters, brothers, and his mother. But imagine Jesus, son of a David, Jesus with fast, with heavy and loud hearth beat from his lung, Jesus proud, heavy proud, Jesus in strong passion of religion, Jesus from decent family when even that family finds not enough perfect, perfect family for God’s prophet, for Son of a God! Imagine Jesus, to proud, in such passion, to proud, even to be a son of that perfect, decent woman, his mother Mary! That is Christianity! Religion in first place!

(To read Part 2 of this piece, click here The Holy Gospel in the Modern World of XXI Century – Part 2.)

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