Fight Fat with Fat

It used to be fat was all bad for us. That even eggs in the morning would increase the size of our guts, but times are changing and now the news is flooded with eat good fats not bad fats. But what exactly are good fats?

The news has inundated us with warns about the dangers of fat. Fat can cause heart disease, diabetes, breathing problem, join problems, stroke, and whole list of other disease.

Now medical research is releasing a list of good fats? Could this be? Can you actually eat fat and stay healthy?

Good fats are one such as omega fatty acid and polyunsaturated fats. They are commonly called “essential fatty acids” by dieticians. These fats are found in oils, such as olive, corn, safflower, soybean, canola, and sunflower. These are known to decrease the risk of heart disease when followed by other healthy diet choices.

Our bodies need fat, without it they can not function properly. But as research is showing we need the good fats, not the bad ones. This can be difficult when we live in a society obsessed with fast, convenient and of course fatty foods. It seems much easier to run through the McDonald’s pick up line than to go home and cook a healthy meal.

A balanced diet complete with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are an important part in cardiac functioning. They also help with joint health, mood stability, and healthy skin. It is very important to eat a balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Too much omega-6 fatty acids and not enough omega-3 fatty acids can worsen inflammatory diseases and degenerative diseases. The ration of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids is still being researched, but so far research is saying that Americans need more omeg-3 fatty acids and less omega-6 fatty acids.

The key to eating healthy fats is actually portion control. It is hard to give up yummy fats forever, but with portion control we can enjoy them as treat, every once in awhile. For example a portion should be about the size of a deck of cards. People who tried to give up something they love completely are more likely to binge, that is why it is important to remember portion control.

Another trick to remember is to buy low-fat or fat free condiments. For example low-fat sour cream can save you from unwanted fats. Also try spray butter, usually low if calories and fat. Cooking with olive oil always a healthier alternative than butter.

With the proper knowledge about fats you can be on your way to a healthier diet.

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