Why RSS and Blogs Benefit Your Business

In today’s cyber-age, there are few businesses that do not have a cyber presence. Whether they are promoting their brick-and-mortar business, or they are a stand-alone Internet business, they have to have a Web site to promote their wares and services. In addition, buyers have to find the Web site in order to do business with the company. With billions of sites out there, how are buyers going to find these numerous business Web sites?

One sure way is to advertise and there are what are known as pay-per-click or cost-per-click advertising methods, which are believed to be effective vehicles for advertising, but the number of businesses that are using them could be in the thousands. The question is, how could differentiating between all these advertisers is possible so that they will get fair advertising time for the keywords they have paid for? Considering that the number of advertisers paying for similar keywords are high there has to be some method to give everyone what they are willing to pay for. That is why they introduced bidding, and even if it is effective, it is very expensive in some cases.

Paying $5.00 or $10.00 for a click might not make economic sense when those who are clicking through are not buying. Even if they buy it will take a high margin of sale to offset the expense incurred. So, what is the other alternative? It is proven to be going the generic route, and with the right kind of Web site optimization there is a strong belief that it is possible to attain similar result, even if this outlook is disputed to some extent.

Search engine optimization (SEO) by itself is a broad subject and at times to attain an effective result, expert help could be required. What it is dealing with generally is the making of a Web site friendly for visiting search engines whenever they send out their robots. They do that once a month in most cases. However, if they are made to make the visit frequently the site will attain a higher rank, which means it has a better chance of being shown in the top-ten results, which is the ideal spot even if, at times, being included in the top-100 sites might make a difference.

The search engines have their own algorithms to follow that no outsider has a knowledge of, but those who are involved in SEO will always try to outguess new introductions so that they can implement them to their clients’ Web sites. At times, the search engines themselves give hints about what Web sites should do in order to get a good rank.

One of the key things that the search engines like is content. If there is a lot of content, especially that will change frequently, in order to update their records they will send out their robots, at times in a daily basis or several times a day. And any site that could muster this feat will certainly end up getting a good rank, yet there are other things that have to go hand-in-hand with content in order to give a site a good rank. However, content is said to be the winning formula, simply because the search engines themselves want to present good-value sites to their searchers.

That is why blogs are becoming very popular, because so many different things could be put on blogs on a daily basis, and it is not only that, with the right combination it is also possible to attract participants. What the site owner has to do is always link the main Web site that is selling or promoting the product or service with the blog so that those who visit the blog will also have a chance to visit the Web site where all the wares and services are displayed. This will create power linking, which are incoming links created on purpose so that the robots will encounter them. This by itself is one essential part of SEO that we will discuss on another article, but incoming links are the other important elements search engines rely on to rank a site.

Consequently, what having a blog going means is, bringing out the robot as often as it is possible to change the content of the blog, and the way the search engines find out the change it through RSS. Rich Site Summary is a way of telling others that have established connection with a given site through the RSS mechanism that a new content is available on a blog or on a site. And search engines have the ability to check the relevancy of the material and once they are satisfied with the content that blog will be active on their list, which will improve the rank of the blog itself, because blogs also show up in search results. It is not only that the links that are planted on the blog would lead the robots to the particular site and that will add to the incoming link of the site, which will improve the rank of the site.

We have said that the main goal of the Web sites is to rank among the top-ten sites when searchers are using the keywords they have picked so that they will get a qualitative traffic to their site. In order to do that they have to beat the other competitors and one way of doing that is by creating a blog, although blogs have much more use than this for businesses.

Similarly, it is possible to put fresh content on a Web site and the result could be similar, except that visitors cannot participate as they can easily do it on a blog. It could also change the look or genre of a site, where the ideal situation is if visitors come to the site to deal only with what is offered, whether it is a product or a service, but mixing it with a lot of content, at times, might make the sales pitch less effective, yet it could be kept on a different page, and it might be worth experimenting.

The second batch that are important for the sites are those that will subscribe for the content that is being put on a blog so that they will be informed whenever the content changes. This shows that those who will subscribe have a keen interest in what is taking place on the blog if they want to know on a regular basis about the changes made. These are captive audience converting into buyers is easy and what will do the job is the copy or the content that should explicitly inform the visitors what the benefit of buying the product or the service is.

There are also directories known as aggregators that a blog owner can apply for and once the blog is registered, whenever changes are made, the changes will show on the aggregators index. Since these aggregators indexes are visited by a big number of people, the chance of grabbing the attention of a big number of eyeballs is possible, and this is a huge exposure that does not cost the owner of the blog site any money.

Over all, even if doing business from a Web site is possible, it will add to the effectiveness of the business if there is a blog site that is not cluttered with all the wares of what the business is doing. Instead, whether they are first time visitors or subscribers, it is possible to inform them on an ongoing basis about what goes on in the particular company. Moreover, the visitors have a chance to have their say, and discuss what the particular company is doing among themselves without the company itself having a direct hand in it.

The blog also avails for the company the opportunity to interact with the visitors whenever some clarification is required, and this is in addition to the promotional effort that will be undertaken by the company. It will also enable the company to find out what kind of opinion others have about what the company is involved in, and implementing measures accordingly is possible. As a conclusion, it is needless to say that companies need a blog site as another outlet to promote what they are doing, and statistics shows those who are jumping on the bandwagon are showing a substantial result.

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