Natural Ways to Lose Weight and Improve Your Lifestyle

There are tons of books, videos, programs, pills, and ways that promise a healthy lifestyle and usually weight loss. I’ll be the first to say that you do not need all that. In fact you just need a little determination and an extra thirty minutes a day to drastically improve the way you feel and possibly change the way you look. This plan has no guarantees. Instead it is just meant to be a simple guide to help you get in shape and improve your overall lifestyle. It does require work, but to be honest it is not that demanding. It is totally healthy and requires no pills or vitamins, just some will power and an extra half an hour a day.

The first step is to start working out as soon as possible. Do not make excuses for yourself. First find a time that is convenient for working out. The best time to do any working out is in the morning. This wakes you up and speeds up your metabolism naturally causing you to burn more calories during the day. I recommend just getting up thirty minutes earlier than you do now. For a novice and a beginner the best bet would be either to bike or to start walking. If you walk, then take a stroll around your block or neighborhood for exactly thirty minutes. If you bike, then bike for thirty minutes. You can bike on a stationary bike or bike around your local neighborhood. Either way be certain to keep the pace comfortable and relaxed. Just work out for thirty minutes.

For a more experience person, you might want to try running or jogging for thirty minutes around your neighborhood. The morning’s are typically cooler, so it makes for a soothing and relaxing jog to start the morning.

If this seems to easy for you then pick up the pace for jogging or extend your run to forty-five minutes. I would recommend picking up the pace so that you run a greater length for the same thirty minutes.

While waking up thirty minutes earlier may seem like nothing, it makes a big difference. You will start feeling better and depending upon your current state of health you will probably lose weight a little faster. Working out early will pick up your metabolism and relax you for the rest of the day.

Now on to nutrition aspect of this workout plan. This might sound a little strange, but this is the best way to stay healthy and lose weight. First on your way out the door, make sure and eat a huge breakfast. I know people are always busy and do not have time for breakfast, but if you want to lose weight and lead a healthy lifestyle, then eat breakfast. Eat whatever you want for breakfast (keep it within reason don’t eat a whole chocolate cake or something). But feel free to eat what makes you happy and eat a lot of food. Now that you have worked out, showered, and had a good breakfast head to work.

For lunch eat something light. Remember you ate so much from breakfast that you are not all that hungry. Maybe a sandwich, some soup, and some fruit with a diet coke of some diet V8 Splash. Try to eat reasonably healthy here and stay away from the fatty foods you may have eaten during breakfast. But make sure you eat enough till you know your full.

Now comes dinner. Remember that you ate a huge breakfast and a pretty big lunch. You should not be so hungry now. So for dinner eat something light. Maybe some fat free yogurt, salad, and some water. If this seems hard just think about the morning when you will be able to eat all that fatty food whether it be left over pizza, burger, donut, or whatever. The time to eat unhealthy is in the morning, after you workout.

If you seem hungrier than before it is natural, because you have picked up your metabolism by working out in the morning. If you do this simple workout you will begin to feel healthier and lose some weight in the process. This is the best way to stay healthy without having to pay any money, or going to extreme lengths to make yourself healthy. After about a week or two of doing this you will begin to feel and notice the change. You will be more awake, alert, and responsive. You will just improve your quality of life. Good luck.

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