Need Help with a Trade Show Exhibit, Four Businesses in Raleigh Who Can Help

For even the most successful business person the thought of putting together a new trade show exhibit is right up there with the pleasure of a tonsillectomy.

First you are going to have to come up with a design for the exhibit. Will it be for a professional trade show or a one of time event. They, your office mates, are going to hold you personally responsible for the results.

Even if the design looks good on paper, identifying all the ingredients that go into a great exhibit space is a ponderous task.

Last year a small business I was working with put together what by itself looked like a pretty nice display as part of a regional show. The mock up was for a small space and it looked pretty nice, all by itself.

That is until the day of the show. Wow, the professional displays totally blew the office designed displays away. The display did a good basic job of presenting the company. But the professional displays drew the majority of the foot traffic. And that is where the customers were; drawn in one by one, like bears to honey; drawn into the professionally designed and constructed displays.

The professionally designed displays not only did a great job of exhibiting the goods of there companies, they had the effect of actually drawing potential customers into the exhibit, giving the sales teams a chance to talk up their products.

Should you be the one in your office who has the pleasure of putting together a trade show exhibit you may want to consult the local experts.

Most of the exhibit businesses have years and some have decades of experience. They have had plenty of opportunity to see what works and cull out those ideas that just don’t drive foot traffic to your exhibit.

There are a number of different approaches your business may take to trade show exhibits. You may be in a rapidly changing industry that needs a new exhibit for every show, just to keep pace.

Perhaps you may need a standard exhibit that your business will own and use year after year. This will provide a consistent, branded face for your business.

Then again you may be more in the market for a kiosk style exhibit that will allow you to store and demonstrate trade products.

One place you can get a new exhibit and design help is:

Zig Zibit
6541 Meridien Drive
Suite 143
Raleigh, NC 27616
(919) 876.5828


An alternative to designing a whole new exhibit is to rent or purchase a pre-owned model. No kidding, they sell pre-owned exhibits. Given the huge investment in design and cost of construct this isn’t as wild an idea as it may seem.

Advantages can be large savings in cost to the new owner and recovery of some costs by the old owner. Just because it is pre-owned does not mean that it is defective. Many businesses in rapidly changing markets need to update every year.

One business that offers this option is:

Exhibit Resources
3707 Neil St
Raleigh, NC 27607

(919) 832-4700


Just in the event that these Raleigh exhibit companies can’t meet your needs there are more options. It is always a good idea to check out several options and prices before you build, buy or rent.

Here are two businesses that may help you create or acquire an exhibit that brings in the customers to take your business to the next level.

The businesses are:

Design Dimension Incorporated
901 N West St
Raleigh, NC 27603
(919) 828-1485



Exhibit Resources
5995 Chapel Hill Rd
Raleigh, NC 27607

(336) 859-3989


If you have the misfortune to be involved for the first time in procuring a new exhibit that will be traveling between shows there are some additional points you may want to consider.

Does the exhibit have to be portable. How will it be broken down. How will it be moved from site to site. Who is going to be doing the scheduling for setup and tear down. Does the company who is assisting you have the resources to support your particular needs. How many people are needed to man the exhibit. Can the exhibit be secured between showings and display sessions; or will everything have to be stored off site overnight during shows.

I knew one person who arranged to have a trade show exhibit delivered to a midwest city only to find out that he had no one to set it up. If he had worked through a professional group they would have made sure that there was someone on the other end to unpack the exhibit and set it up, before the sales team arrived. If you miss this part, there is an excellent chance that your sales team will not be participating in the show.

Even if you decide you can build your own, it is a good idea to contact the local firms to see if they have any recommendations. You may find that they can save you money and increase the results of you trade show exhibit.

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