American Idol Auditions 5 & 6

American Idol visited Las Vegas, and one hopeful got his dreams crushed when he didn’t even get a chance to show the judges what he could do. He walked through the door, and they sent him right back out the door. I suppose it was the way he was dressed by the looks on the judges’ faces.

I had to disagree with their reaction though, I mean they should have given him a chance; I’ve seen far worse come through those doors and they got the chance. Guess it was just the mood they were in.

Erica Davis came in with her sister, but this time it was Erica’s turn to see if she could get the “thumbs up” into Hollywood. “Better then your sister, but not that great,” Simon told her. Needless to say, Erica didn’t make it into Hollywood, and they even told her not to come back. What a blow that must have been.

Remember the belly dancer, Mecca? Singer? I believe so, she had a wonderful voice, and her voice is what got her the ticket into Hollywood.

Ryan described himself as being “unique.” Well it was “unique” to say the least. What was that anyway, from another world maybe?

Ahh yes, we also heard Heather. Now she sounded just like the original singer, don’t you think? I guess Paula didn’t think so though, because she had to pass; maybe something was wrong with Paula’s hearing. The judges are there looking for talent, and Heather fit the bill perfectly. Boy did she ever!

Vegas didn’t seem to be going too well for the judges. One bad singer right after another. And then in walked, Jason. I thought he was good, but the judges didn’t. Maybe they had heard too many bad singers and didn’t know good anymore. What did you think; did you think Jason was good?

In walks Anthony to perform for Paula, Randy, and Simon. They all pretty much told Anthony he was “out of tune,” but Anthony disagreed with them, he thought he was in tune. Maybe Anthony’s just tone deaf.

Princess claimed to be another Aretha Franklin. Nope, definitely not an Aretha Franklin. She needs to be a tad more perfect for someone claiming to be a perfectionist!

Now that Vegas was out of the way, Paula, Randy, and Simon headed to Austin, Texas. What would they find there? Would it be better then Vegas?

So far Austin, Texas was turning into another Vegas. Donnell, what was that? It sounded like the chipmunks to me.

Allison was a bundle of nerves when she walked through the door. She was so sure of her talent, but when she got in front of the judges her nerves showed in her voice. She even thought she sounded bad, and told the judges she could do better. They told her to come back and try again later. When Allison returned she still didn’t impress the judges, and that landed her a “no” from all three. Better luck next time, Allison.

Ashley will be a memorable one for me. She has singing talent times two. Not only could she sing beautifully with her mouth open, but she done pretty well singing with her mouth closed too, literally. And Randy and Simon made sure we would see her again in Hollywood.

Ronnie claimed to be a “ladies man,” and flirted with quite a few women before making his way in front of the judges. Even though he flirted he had a nice voice and made his way through to Hollywood. Well, Randy didn’t agree, but we’ll soon see if that changes.

The judges all established that Kevin looked a lot like Randy, but they didn’t think he had what it takes for Hollywood. Personally, I thought Kevin sounded good, even my husband agreed. You think maybe my husband and I can get him through to Hollywood with our votes? Well, maybe not, but hey, Kevin, if you’re reading this, don’t give up!

Tessie had a high opinion of herself, but the judges didn’t think so.

Next Tuesday American Idol visits Boston, and then Wednesday the show begins. I can hardly wait! They’ve landed some pretty talented singers this season. It’s going to be exciting, and I will be right here to tell you all about it.

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