The Pros and Cons of Working Online

Transferring from the real world to the virtual world, when it comes to work, is quite an adjustment. Your world, as you know it, will be no longer. If you’re an active person it could be an even larger adjustment than if you’re happy just pencil-pushing for a living. Pencil-pushers, or those who sit behind a desk everyday, will fit right into the virtual working world, usually, but active people may find it a bit harder to sit at a monitor for hours on end.

If you’ve never sat at a desk to make a living prepare yourself for all sorts of aches and pains. Lower back pain is one major complaint after sitting for long periods of time. Wrist aches, headaches, and neck aches are the norm. Feet that go to sleep and other circulation problems are daily bothers.

Besides the strain of sitting most of the day the virtual world can be a lonely world. No meeting by the water cooler to discuss our personal lives or the office affairs, no best friend to confide in during breaks, no cracking jokes among colleagues. Sure, there are chat rooms online so you don’t have to completely shut yourself off from the world, but if you visit chat rooms much, you’re likely to fall behind on your business responsibilities.

Some online workers will put in even more hours than they would at the office. That’s because, upon leaving the office, the paperwork and other duties are generally left behind, but when working at home, the computer is always there, waiting. It’s difficult to say “no more for today” since it seems you always have just one more thing that needs done.

Working online does have its benefits. Of course, there’s the obvious: you don’t have to dress for the occasion. Also, your gasoline budget drops considerably, wear and tear on your car is minimal, and if you have kids, you can stay home with them rather than spending a fortune on a babysitter. If you must be at the computer during certain times you may consider a home babysitter so you can work but still have your kids nearby.

Getting paid virtually is nice, too, if that’s the way the new company will be paying you. On payday you just wake up and there’s your money, waiting for you to use it. With a Paypal account and debit card there’s no more running to the bank to cash your check then running around all over town to pay the bills. And, shopping online is so convenient, not to mention the fact that you can shop while you’re working.

If you’re trying to make a decision about an online job consider the fact that it’s very easy to fall into a pattern of rarely leaving your home. Make sure to schedule outside activities and events. If possible, set certain times to log off no matter what, so that you can tend to family and house responsibilities. Take scheduled breaks rather than waiting until you’re numb before getting up and moving around the house. Try to have meals with your family rather than eating at the computer while you work. You’ll likely enjoy working online if you limit the number of hours you work, make time for yourself and your family, and find a very comfortable chair from which to work.

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