Reflect on God’s Word Three Times During the Day

Lamentations 3:22, 23
It is of the LORD’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

God is perfect in every way. God is our creator. He created us in his own image and loves us all very much. As human beings, we forget that everything we have is given to us from God. In the garden of Eden God provided Adam and Eve with everything that they needed. They lived in a beautiful, safe, stress-free environment. They did not have to work for food. There was nothing to fear for they had no enemies. This was not enough for Adam and Eve. Their human nature drove them to want more than what God had given them. When they ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil they were basically telling God that they didn’t trust him and wanted to be on their own (Genesis 3:6). This same human nature is with every one of us today. We forget that we are God’s creatures and think that we can have a better life outside of the arms of God’s perfect love. What we fail to remember is that it is only by God’s mercies that we are not consumed and because his compassions fail not. He has enough compassion for every single person on earth. And he is faithful to provide for his children everyday. If it wasn’t for God, we would be devoured by the enemy immediately. God protects us from the roaring lion who seeks to destroy us (1 Peter 5:8). Satan is restrained by God’s mercy from doing whatever he is able in order to take control of the world and every person in it. (2 Thessalonians 2:7). Thank you, LORD, for your mercy and your protection from the enemy. Every morning that I wake up I will thank you for a new day, knowing that you will be with me every step of the way.

Proverbs 14:12
There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

This world is full of different philosophies on how one should live their life. This is evident in politics where men and women of different ideologies battle for control of their country and believe that they have the best way of thinking. Truth in the world has become a relative term. The majority opinion seems to be that there is no such thing as absolute truth. According to the Bible, the only absolute truth is God’s word. God’s ways are perfect and He is the only true righteous judge. Through the years man has developed ideas that seem to bring peace to a nation and make a more civilized society. The truth is that if man is not obeying God’s word then they are only relying on their own understanding and not the Word of God.

One instance of this is evident in many churches across the country. Women pastors are becoming more and more common in today’s churches. Society tells us that women can teach just as well as men and this seems logically correct. What society fails to realize is that although this may seem right, the theory contradicts God’s Word (1 Timothy 2:12). People will defend the position by saying that things have changed and that the ideas about women in the past were archaic. They ignore that the men that wrote the Bible were inspired by God, therefore the doctrines in the Bible hold true in the present day as well as when they were written (1 Timothy 3:16).

God’s Word is absolute truth. Man has the idea that he can make his life better on his own and is smarter than God. Human nature gives us the arrogance to believe that we can survive and thrive without God. Although this may seem right, they truly are the ways of death.

Colossians 3:1
If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.

This world is full of things that make us happy. Although these things bring us happiness, many of them are placed there by Satan to distract us from God. The business world is driven by greed and power. Society has continually told us that our self worth depends upon how much money we have and our status at the office. Satan has finely tuned this business world so as to draw women into careers that leave children at home alone. This inevitably destroys families and creates divorces and dysfunctional children. If we were to just keep our eyes on God and not want so many material things, all this pain could be avoided. It is the pride of life that drives us to want more material things and status for our egos (1 John 2:16).

Entertainment is another industry that has greatly drawn man away from the way of the Lord. Television and movies are a prominent source of escape for many men and women in the world. The ideas that are preached in Hollywood range from implying that promiscuity is acceptable to glorifying murder and other violence. Many movies and television shows are simply part of Satan’s plot to not only keep our focus off of God’s Word but to destroy the purity of human love and life.

When we become children of God, nothing becomes more important to God than us. The reciprocal should be true. The most important thing in this world to a Christian should be pleasing God. By keeping our focus on pleasing God we can avoid the trap that Satan has set for us. God gave us his Word to guide us and to warn us of the enemy’s tricks (Ephesians 6:11). By realizing that these things that seem to improve our life are actually attacks on the human spirit, we can protect our hearts and minds from being polluted. True religion is to remain unspotted from the world (James 1:27).

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