Thoughtful Inexpensive Gift Ideas for Senior Citizens

Thoughtful Inexpensive Gift Ideas for Senior Citizens

All of us, at one time or another, have had to face the problem of what to give an aging loved one. Most of these seniors already have plenty of possessions they have accumulated in their lifetimes. One has to think creatively and individually for ideas; they are numerous.

Probably the most important gift you could give is your presence. A visit is always welcome to someone who doesn’t get out much. While you are there you might also volunteer to do some chores. Weed their flowerbeds, wash their windows, or clean the gutters for their birthday, for instance.

If they are able, how about taking them out for lunch? Don’t forget to swing by the grocery store or the pharmacy before you return them home. If your loved ones can’t leave their homes, bring a nice home cooked meal they can simply warm up. Home baked deserts; jams and jellies are very popular.

During the summer months, homegrown fruits and vegetables taste so much better than store-bought varieties. Visit a farmer’s veggie stand and fill a basket with favorites. Add a big bow and it becomes a wonderful present.

You might purchase a small, purse-sized photo album, commonly referred to as a “brag book”. Fill it with recent pictures of family and friends. Many seniors don’t get out much and appreciate seeing how everyone has changed.

Christmas time is perfect for the giving of a new calendar. Add a personal touch by writing in all birthdays, anniversaries and other important dates you know they would like.

Gift certificates are convenient and easy to give. Most people think of large variety stores, but overlook other sources. You can purchase certificates at grocery stores, restaurants, phone companies, utility companies, pharmacies, beauty, and barber shops. These are great for people on limited incomes.

Don’t forget about subscriptions to newspapers and magazines. If they live in a different place, they may like getting their hometown paper for a change. For instance, if your father is a retired banker, he may enjoy receiving the Wall Street Journal. Magazines are all about hobbies, travel or any other specific interest; be selective in your choices.

If you want to give a traditionally wrapped present, why not a favorite hand cream, body lotion, or aftershave? Writing paper and envelopes will also be appreciated. Be sure to include a book of postage stamps as well. I like wrapping a nice box of assorted greeting cards. That way they won’t have to leave home to remember someone important to them.

Gift giving to seniors doesn’t have to be difficult. Forget the usual shirt, tie, or slippers; they already have them. Instead, give them love, thoughtfulness, convenience, and help. Give of yourself.

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