Tips to Help Keep You Motivated Throughout Your Busy Day

Face it-if you are a mom, then you know how hard it is to stay motivated throughout the day. You may work outside the home, or you may work at home, or maybe you do not have a paying job at all. However, whatever you “do”, you are still faced with many responsibilities that will drain the energy from any Super Mom. Any mother will tell you that raising a family, keeping a house and keeping it all together is no easy task. It is often very difficult for a mom to stay focused and motivated throughout the day no matter how big or small the task at hand may be. Maybe the baby is wailing, your three-year-old is asking for lunch and your grade schooler needs help with homework. Perhaps you have a huge deadline at work and nothing in the fridge to feed the family when you get home late in the evening. It isn’t easy. However, you can help yourself by remembering why you do what you do day in and day out. This can help you stay motivated when you feel like you are sagging. Next time your motivation is lacking, think about these little tips to get you through the day.

Motivation determines what and how you do things. Many times, having a clear purpose in mind and keeping an open and good attitude can be great ways to stay motivated. For many moms, that is easier said than done. After staying up all night with the baby, organizing that closet may be at the bottom of the list. There are however, ways to keep yourself motivated so that you can accomplish more and get yourself through the long days of mothering.

Purpose: One important part of motivation is purpose. It does not matter what you need or want to do, you should understand why you are doing it. Purpose gives you a clear mental state and helps you look at your task in an objective manner. If something does not help you reach your end goal, then it should not be one of your goals.

List: Now, after your have determined what you purpose for a certain goal may be; now you can make a list. This may seem trivial, but list making can help keep you motivated and for many, checking completed tasks off a list is almost therapeutic. Make a list of your goals, chores or jobs. These may be long-term goals, such as cleaning out the garage or finishing a degree or your list may be filled with small day-to-day tasks such as sorting the laundry and cooking dinner. Making a list will help you stay focused during the day and know what you still need to accomplish. As you complete one task, mark it off. Seeing the list of things you have done, can help you feel like you have met your goals and motivate you for the next day. You will have a visual reminder of what you have already accomplished and what still needs to be completed.

Don’t procrastinate: Avoiding a chore or job does not help you reach your goal. In order to stay motivated, you must work on your job to finish it. Many times, those who procrastinate will not get that job done at all or will feel rushed at the last minute. When you procrastinate, it only makes the job more difficult to complete later. Have you ever put off doing a couple of loads of laundry? The laundry does not go away, it simply multiplies, making your job harder to complete when you do decide to tackle it. Get in the habit of doing it now. Not later.

Stay Efficient: Find ways to save time throughout the day. You can keep yourself motivated when you find that you are saving time and thus have more time for the things you WANT to do. Maybe you can sort laundry while dinner is in the oven. Maybe you can make a couple of business calls while you are waiting to pick your child up from school. Take your laptop to work while your daughter is in dance class. Find the little ways to cut time and you will find that it leads up to big amounts of time saved in the long run.

Talk about it: Keeping your concerns or feelings inside can lead to reduced productivity. Talk about what is on your mind to a friend, a spouse or even in a journal. Many moms see the benefit of blogging or posting on community message boards as a way of expressing concerns with others. If you find that you are spending your entire day listening to baby babble, find a group or organization to help you stay in the loop with other adults. Being a mother, whether you stay at home or not can be very isolating. Do not think that you are alone. If you feel alone, your motivation will lack. Stay active and you will find reasons to stay motivated.

Exercise: Believe it or not, when you are not motivated to work out, you are letting your motivation sag, even if your goal is something other than losing weight. Exercise is a great way to help you reach your goals, even if it is a little amount each day. A good, brisk walk around the block or a quick swim in the pool can help clear your mind and think well during the day. Exercising can give you energy, too. You will feel better and be more motivated to get those chores done.

Eat right: Chose your foods wisely and while you never want to deny yourself, eat foods that will keep you healthy. Eating right can also help you stay motivated. Junk food can make you feel sluggish and tired and instead of conquering those jobs, you will really want an afternoon nap. Eat a healthy breakfast and drink plenty of water. Vitamin supplements can also help keep you energized throughout the day.

Expect imperfections: You will not accomplish all of your goals everyday, maybe not even every week. Staying motivated everyday is not possible. You should expect some imperfections. In addition, no one should be “super mom”. It is ok to buy store bought treats for the school party, instead of stressing yourself out over detailed cookies. No one is perfect and if you expect perfection in yourself and in others, it will be near impossible to reach your goals. It is also ok to say no or to ask for help when you need to. It is also ok to give in to conveniences like a fast food meal every now and then or hiring someone to help you with the housework. It doesn’t mean you are lazy, it just means that you are normal and are busy. Know what your weaknesses are and try to get someone else (like a spouse) to help you with those chores.

Do not stress: Stress can sometimes motivate us to do things. When the holidays are coming, everyone feels stressed enough to get out and get that holiday shopping completed. However, putting yourself under stress each and every day is not healthy, nor will it inspire you. Stress can put you in a greater danger for depression and other health issues. In order to stay motivated to accomplish your goals you need to let stress go from your life. It is true that you “shouldn’t sweat the small stuff”.

Get adequate rest: All moms know that sometimes sleep is hard to come by, especially when you are taking care of infants or sick children. Sleep and adequate rest is important though. With a good night’s rest, you will feel more motivated during the day. If you cannot seem to make it to bed at a decent hour, try to rest during the day while the kids are napping or if you work, try to take a quick rest during your lunch break. Naps are good for you and can help energize your body when you need a pick-me-up.

Reward yourself: It is ok to reward yourself every now and then. Rewards can be a huge motivator for almost any person and you are no different. Even if you reward yourself with a new book or thirty minutes of quiet time, you will be more likely to reach your goals with rewards. Maybe you can reward yourself with a little piece of chocolate at the end of the day. Whatever you find that works for you, will work as a good motivator.

Know your limits: This can be a huge way to stay motivated throughout the day. Know when you have had enough and when you reach your limit. This could be knowing when you have taken on too many volunteer responsibilites, or knowing when your need a break before loosing it with your three whiny children. Know when to stop and when to walk away. This can help you keep your cool, but also will help you stay ready to conquer the next task.

As a mother, you probably already know that your life is filled with stress and things that will zap your best intentions. Just remember that you are not perfect, however if you can keep yourself motivated, you can reach your goals.

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