Stuck on Someday Isle? Here’s How to Set Sail Toward Your Goals

Someday Isle is not a place, it’s a mindset. It’s a habit of dreamily thinking about your goals and desires, but never taking a single step to actually achieve them. It’s also a habit of negative thinking and self criticism that people do unconsciously every day, all day long. We set ourselves up for defeat by thinking (and often, saying out loud) the self-fulfilling prophecies that keep us marooned on Someday Isle with little chance of achieving our hopes and dreams.

Have you ever said any of these (or similar) statements: “Someday I’ll lose that extra weight I’ve been dragging around; someday I’ll finish that novel gathering dust in my desk drawer; someday I’ll start a retirement fund; someday I’ll forgive all the people who hurt me; someday I’ll do all those things that today, I just don’t want to face or don’t think I can do.” Sadly, someday never comes.

Everyone has different Someday Isles, but the end result is always the same. You keep waiting for something else to happen before you gather your courage and get in the darn boat. Maybe you don’t feel emotionally or financially stable, and so living on Someday Isle feels safe. Maybe you think you have no choice but to live in a place where your dreams are always too many miles ahead to even think of them.

Perhaps you’ve convinced yourself it’s no big deal to constantly dream of what your life will be like “someday” without ever actually doing anything to make it happen. However, though it may feel benign, being marooned on Someday Isle is disastrous in the long run, because it keeps you stuck, stagnant and no closer to realizing your goals and dreams.

To get off Someday Isle, you have to think first about what you really, truly want for your life, and then chart a course to get there. It isn’t impossible to set sail towards your dreams, but you have to actually get in the boat first, and second, know where you want to go!

To be able to do that, you need to get to know yourself well enough to understand exactly what is keeping you on Someday Isle. Is it apathy? Fear? Lack of energy? Whatever it is (and it could actually be many things!) once you know what is keeping you stuck on Someday Isle, you can then get to work to figure out how to release that block from your life.

Some people like to believe that the way to get off Someday Isle is to “JUST DO IT.” Actually, I would love for it to be that easy, but it isn’t. In order for you to quit waiting for “someday” to chase your dreams, you need to understand why you are marooned on the island in the first place. Only after you figure out what is keeping you stuck, can you start building the “ship” that will take you to your goal.

I have a specific process I utilize which helps me to understand what keeps me marooned on Someday Isle. Essentially, it is a simple writing exercise which enables me to tap into my inner knowledge. It isn’t hard, and it only requires three things: time, a computer, and intention. I’ve also found this to be an extremely helpful exercise whenever you are having any difficulty in your life that you would like to understand better.

First, you prepare yourself mentally by finding a time and quiet place where you can be alone for at least a half-hour. Then, engage in a few minutes of relaxation or breathing exercises, light meditation or whatever will help you to slow down, release the stresses of “life” and be ready to receive the knowledge from your higher self.

Next, open a blank file on your computer and think of a question you would like to ask, such as “What do I need to know in order to get unstuck? ” Or, “What am I afraid of?” Or, “What can I do to achieve such-and-such?” If you can type while your eyes are shut, then do so. This helps to close off any distraction and better access your inner knowledge. Intention is the key component-you have to believe you already know the answer to the question subconsciously.

Type your question, and then let your fingers fly over the keyboard without thinking about the answer. Just turn them loose to type as fast as possible without rationalizing if it makes sense or is really the answer. Next, save the file, close it and let it sit for a day. When you go back, you may find that you have perfectly articulated the answer to your question.

Alternately, you may find that you have actually answered a different question. This is because your higher self determined it was a more important question that needed to be addressed first. If you keep an open mind during the process as well as when you read what you have written, you will find that these sessions are highly illuminating.

You may also find that the writing is nothing at all like your typical writing “voice.” Nevertheless, I think you will always find valuable nuggets of information in the writing, which will help you to get off “Someday Isle” and row towards your dreams. I hope you will try it, and please feel free to send me a message if you have questions about the exercise.

Happy rowing towards your goals!

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