The Number 666 on 6-6-2006

The number of the “beast,” otherwise known as the devil or the anti-Christ, as stated in The Book of Revelation in The Holy Bible, is the infamous number 666. This forbidden number has some people nervous as the date 6-6-2006 approaches. Some women who are expecting babies around 6-6-2006 are especially nervous. No one who takes the connotation of the number 666 seriously wants their baby’s birthday to be on 6-6-2006. To some expectant mothers the number 666 is merely superstition because they see the number 666 as just another number, but is 666 just a number? Some people avoid the number 666 at all cost, while others don’t take the number 666 very seriously. Let’s see what The Holy Bible says about the number 666.

The Mark of the Beast

The King James’ version of The Holy Bible, Revelation 13:18 reads: Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred three score and six.

The modern day English interpretation of this bible verse says the number 666 is the number of the beast. Does this number refer to a wild animal, or does this number refer to the devil, who is also often referred to as the beast? Christians interpret this reference of the “beast” as the anti-Christ or an entity commanded by the anti-Christ. So, is the number 666 a number to fear, or does the meaning behind the number 666 as stated in The Holy Bible go much deeper than the human mind can understand? In an effort to understand the meaning of this bible verse we must look beyond this single verse. Overzealous people tend to take one verse from the bible and take that verse literally without reading the verses that surround it.

Revelation 13:16-17 reads: And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Revelation 13:17 ends by saying “the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” With all three bible verses taken into consideration, the number 666 stands for a person or a name, and not a date. Those who are worried about the approach of 6-6-2006, in my opinion, should have no more to fear than they normally would on any other date.

Numerology and 666

Numerologists have devised codes that are said to indicate the number 666 refers to specific names in history. For instance, by using a particular code, numerologists found the number 666 linked to the name Hitler. This revelation scared a great number of people, but the fact is, numerologists can devise codes that link the foreboding number 666 or any other number to any name or word. Rules of numeric codes can be adapted to form any word or name.

Positive Interpretations of the Number 666

Not all religious groups view the number 666 as the mark of the beast. Jewish people consider the number 666 as a holy and mysterious number. The number six is thought of as God’s number because the number six is the numeric measure of letter, more commonly referred to as Waw. The earth was created in a span of six days, and the number six stands for the six main directions. These common directions are north, south, east, west, up, and down.

A Final Word Regarding the Number 666

I personally have no fear of the number 666 as it stands, nor do I fear the date 6-6-2006. I believe there are many verses in the bible that can be interpreted in many different ways, and although I am a Christian and I firmly believe the words contained within the Holy Bible, I do not choose to believe the interpretations of others. There will always be people who want to tarnish the words of the Holy Bible, and there will always be people who want to create controversy, either for their own personal gain or to create fear, caos, and uncertainty.

If I were an expectant mother, I would not be afraid to have my baby on 6-6-2006. As a Christian, my baby would be a child of God no matter the date of his or her birth. Expectant mothers should not be in fear of 6-6-2006 any more so than any other date during pregnancy. Even if the mark of the beast, or the number 666 did refer to a date and not a person, why should any expectant mother believe her baby would be chosen to represent the number 666 or be cursed by the number 666?

Pregnant women whose babies are due in late May or Early June should not waste this special time in their lives worrying about the number 666 and the possibility of their babies being born on 6-6-2006. On 6-6-1906 many babies were born and the mark of the beast was not placed upon their foreheads. The devil did not make an appearance on that date any more than any other date, and the world obviously did not come to an end. On 6-6-2006 many more babies will enter into our world, and the babies born on 6-6-2006 will be not become cursed by the number 666 or the date of their birth. Expectant mothers and other people affected by 6-6-2006 and the number 666 will only become sad victims of their own unnecessary fear.

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