How to Overcome Stage Fright

Stage fright is defined as “nervousness at appearing before an audience”. This definition has been included in dictionaries since the late 1800s, so the concept of stage fright is nothing new. The causes of stage fright are complicated, but generally revolve around feelings of inadequacy, self-consciousness, and anxiety about being on display in front of a group of people. Whatever venue is encountered, the best way to avoid stage fright is to be very well prepared and to be confident in how you present yourself to the rest of the world. The audience that is before you may consist of a million people or just a few people. Regardless of the size of the audience, your preparedness and your confidence in your abilities are the keys to conquering stage fright.

You should prepare your wardrobe well in advance of your engagement. Even if your clothing ensemble involves a costume that is slightly uncomfortable, make sure you plan what you will wear and how you will look before the day of your engagement. If you will require props during your appearance, make sure they are ready to go and that you have mastered their usage perfectly. As with all other areas of overcoming stage fright, preparedness is crucial.

Keep in mind that you will be performing in front of an audience filled with people who are no different from you. Your audience will not be nearly as critical of you as you will be. Keep an optimistic attitude and bear in mind that the people seated in front of you would be just as mortified as you are when faced with performing in front of an audience. Remember to breathe in a steady, methodical manner. If you hyperventilate, you will not be able to deliver a performance at all, whether good or bad. Finding a stage fright remedy is not complicated. It takes a concentrated effort and a lot of preparation to deliver a great performance. Advance preparation of all the elements of your performance and a habitual breathing pattern will go a long way in alleviating your performance anxiety.

Stage fright affects both novices and seasoned professionals. Remember that you are an entertainer and that your performance is simply your job. The frequent attacks of nervousness that occur before a performance can be turned into positive energy that you can apply towards the task at hand. Overcoming stage fright is really a task involving mind over matter. Train your mind to turn feelings of anxiety into an energetic force that radiates from within and captivates your audience. When you are on stage, you are a performer and your job is to entertain your audience. Use your negative feelings as a mechanism to excel in whatever you may be doing. Know your material very well and prepare everything you require in advance. If you are confident in your abilities, you will take a huge step in conquering stage fright.

No matter how important you may think you need to deliver a flawless performance, remember that the world will indeed keep turning if you do not deliver the best performance of your life. Your life will continue as before and the lives of your audience will not be affected in the least. You are on stage to have fun and to entertain others. If you fail, there is always a next time. Humor is your friend. Realize that your very life does not hinge on this one performance and feel free to interject some humor into your performance is possible. You could choose to spend a lot of money and a great deal of time with a coach who will help you train yourself to ignore stage fright, but the reality is that you can do this for yourself. Breathe, lighten up, and understand that any single member of your audience would feel just as nervous as you do under the circumstances.

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