Packing a Healthy Lunchbox

My daughter came home from her first day of 1st grade 2 years ago complaining about the school lunch their. I thought she was just exxagerating. But when my son came home that day he told me the school lunch was ridiculous. He also spoke to me about how poorely they presented these meals. Which made me remember the days when there were no kitchens in school in our area anyway. I thought that any kid would be ecstatic to go and eat a nice hot meal. But my children were sitting there complaining about it so I thought if both my children refused to eat the food I would pack them healthy and nutritious lunches.

My first tip is to always pack atleast 4 of the 5 major food groups in your child’s lunchbox. The 5 major food groups are grains, fruits, vegetables, proteins(meats and beans), and dairy. It is a great way to start your child on a road of good health. My second tip is to always add in fruits and vegetables secretly. A great way is adding a juice box or giving your child pasta topped with tomato sauce. Whatever the method try to involve as many food groups as you can.

Here are some suggestions for healthy well rounded lunches.

1) Standard Sandwich with deli meat and cheese. Fruit juice on the side with yogurt or a box of raisins.

2) Peanut butter and jelly sandwich with minature carrots, as well as stringed cheese on the side, and a carton of milk.

3)Thermos with macaroni and tomato sauce inside, a juice box on the side, and an old fashion fruit to accompany it all.

I’m sure you can make plenty of combinations from what you have in your pantry to pack a healthy lunch for your children. If you start your child on a path of healthy eating they will maintain this lifestyle for years to come. Do not force your child to eat any food if it is not to his/her liking. After some research I’ve found out that many schools offer lunches high in sugar, fat, and calories and if your kid doesn’t like the food they are in no way benefiting from school lunch.

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