The American Dream

The American Dream; it’s dead, or at least it’s dead for most Americans and their children. The house in the suburbs, two cars, three kids, vacations, college educations for all, second home on the ocean, portfolio of stocks and bonds, retirement at 62-65, looking forward to your kids having a better life than you, all of it, gone. You say that’s not true, you say you’re doing quite well and there’s plenty of money for those things. Well, enjoy it while you can, there are forces in motion that will come for you too, like the 30,000,000 people already destroyed by evil men running our institutions, both private and public.

You say I’m being a drama queen, but estimates of jobs subject to being sent overseas number 50-60 million and even those that stay will be under wage pressure by millions of immigrants under-bidding wages to get the jobs that physically can’t be sent outside our borders. It’s not just manufacturing jobs the CEOs have targeted. It’s every job that can be done cheaper: teaches, plumbers, electricians, nurses, doctors, lawyers, janitors, orderlies, day laborers, telemarketers, customer service reps, engineers, data entry operators, cooks, waitresses, mechanics, carpenters, administrators, secretaries, architects, sales people, there isn’t a job except CEO that isn’t under severe pressure.

So if you’re still working at a job you’ve had for some time and enjoy the middle or upper-middle income of an education and/or several raises, don’t think you alone, have some magic formula for winning. Save your “that’s too bad” and “life is tough” remarks for yourself. They’re going to get around to you soon. The “investor class” will not be happy until almost every American thinks having a job, any job, no matter how poorly it pays is better than dying in some alley from an undiagnosed, untreated, and painful disease, that drip morphine can’t relieve.

New World Order can go to hell and all the flat world proponents that preach the virtue of free trade and world squalor. There’s an axis of evil alright, but it isn’t Iran, Iraq, and North Korea.

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