Bird Feeders and Other Gift Ideas for Bird Lovers

When looking for a gift for your bird-loving friend, you will find there are many interesting gifts to choose from. Getting them a bird is probably not a good idea, but there are various other gifts they will enjoy. Whether you have a few dollars or a few hundred to spend, there is something out there for every price range.

Bird Feeders

Bird feeders come in just about any shape and size you can possibly imagine, and make a great gift for just about any bird lover. You can find small, plastic versions in dollar stores and discount stores that may only cost you a few dollars. Look in nearby specialty stores like Lowes or Home Depot for larger, more ornate and more expensive ones.

Bird feeders come in all colors and designs, and some are made just for a particular kind of bird. Many bird lovers would love a hummingbird feeder, which holds a sugary liquid instead of seeds.

If you are the handy type, go ahead and build one. You may want to see what is on store shelves or look online for inspiration. Be sure that you don’t use any toxic materials when building.


Birdhouses may look like feeders, but they are quite different. These usually have a small hole for the birds to enter or leave, but offer no feed. These are often set up by bird lovers in hopes that a bird will choose to make it their home. Like bird feeders, there are a great many to choose from, and this gift can be built by hand if you so choose.

Bird Baths

You can find these in specialty stores, and home improvement stores. They are often made of cement or stone to give them strength and weight, and set up easily in a yard or garden. They have a bowl on the top of a sturdy base that is filled with water. These can attract birds that are looking for a source of clean water.


Bird feed might be a great gift for your bird lover, but keep in mind there are many different kinds. Bird watchers often use many different mixes to attract different birds to their property. If you can’t decide what kind they may wish to have, get a few bags of different mixes. Bird feed is often an inexpensive and welcome gift.


Binoculars are a great tool for bird watching. This gift will greatly range in price, depending on what each set can do. Some binoculars are very powerful, and some are meant for viewing shorter distances only. They even make ones that can help see in the dark, but be prepared to pay a lot of money for that variety.


A trip to your local bookstore will yield a huge variety of books you can get for your bird lover as a gift. There are many books that cover all varieties of birds, what they look like, and where to find them. A bird lover will love this type of book, and can use it to help them identify the different birds they see on their property, or while bird watching elsewhere.

Home Goodies

Almost any department store or specialty store will have a large variety of bird themed items you can choose for a gift for your bird lover. You can find frames, knick-knacks, clocks, kitchen dÃ?©cor, and clothing with birds on them. These can have a country feel or a more sophisticated look, so keep your bird loving friend’s tastes in mind as you shop.

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