Brother LS-2125 Sewing Machine Review

The Brother LS-2125 sewing machine meets all of my basic sewing needs and more. With Brother, any rips or tears in clothing or other cloth products can be fixed with professional looking results. The basic stitch options gives the novice tailor the ability to be proud of their work.

This machine is adaptable to free arm sewing, a near necessity for anyone that makes their own clothing. Along with basic stitching, it also has a button hole maker and elastic stitches. It is double needle compatible for the more decorative touches like contrasting threads that edge your work.

The Brother LS-2125 helps to make life less expensive by allowing me the chance to sew my own household products, like draperies, curtains, couch covers, pillows and more. Without my Brother sewing machine, I would have no other choice than to purchase commercial products that may or may not fit my decorating tastes and small budget.

Of course, sewing can be a chore if you really don’t like to sew. But thanks to the simplicity of use, threading the machine doesn’t have to be. Threading instruction stickers are on the top of the machine, which eliminates the need to return over and over to the manual. There is also no tricks to learn, other than actually sticking the thread through the needle.

The only thing I had a bit of trouble getting used to was the position of the pressure foot lever. Instead of being directly in back, Brother has placed the lever toward the inside. I also noticed that the manual mentioned the tension setting of the top thread but left out the tension setting of the bobbin thread. However, due to prior experience with a Singer sewing machine, I knew how to set it- and it did need set before use.

A small Brother sewing machine kit containing accessories and tools come with the Brother LS-2125 sewing machine. The kit fits tidily inside the removable deck so it is not that easy to lose.

This basic machine can be bought at Wal-Mart for less than eighty dollars, but would be worth over a hundred dollars because of how it saves money. A higher priced Singer is sold side-by-side, but other than the higher price the Singer is not that different.

The Brother name is nearly as recognized as the Singer brand, and more importantly, it is just as reliable. With proper cleaning and lubricating maintenance, your Brother sewing machine will last as long as the higher priced brand with little or no repair bills.

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