Hollywood Strikes a Chord with Christians

According to the American Family Association, or AFA, along with many other news sources, The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) has placed Christian values and content in the same category as sex, gore, nudity and foul language.
When it comes to objectionable material it should be decided by content that can be considered morally and ethically damaging to our society and the way we live. Christianity however is a religion that has stood the test of time and promotes love, caring, forgivness, trust, morality, respect, responsibility, compassion, and loyalty. None of these things suggest a even a hint of a demeaning nature toward anyone or anything.

However, the MPAA was asked if they would be willing to put homosexuality conduct in the same category to which they refused. Homosexuality is offensive to many groups of people and civilizations .Because it is socially acceptable in the United States does not mean that everyone wants their children to be watching it. To have a warning label on movies showing parents that the movie content has strong homosexual scenes seems like it is a no-brainer. Unfortunately, the MPAA has no intention of changing this policy in the near future.

Many Christians are understandably upset as to why warning labels have to be placed on movies that share nothing but good moral value. Even for non-believers this has got to be an offensive move. I bet no one saw it coming, promoting everything today that our society is lacking that could move us positively forward and help our youth regain the morals from generations past to hopefully put in a steady decline the crimes that are so feely executed in today’s day and age. What could possibly hurt children to see such positive messages and understand with a clear concept the fine line between right and wrong?

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