Don’t Badger Your Barista; Part Two

Being overly animated when working at starbucks is not only a requirement, but also a survival tactic. When dealing with overly bitchy people whom not only are running late for work, but have not had their fix for the day, it is necessary to keep a happy face so the customers don’t know that what you really want to is reach over the counter and punch them in the face instead of hand them their coffee and lemon pound cake. I realize that when its 7am you’re not fully awake yet, but please understand that when you walk into my store at 7am I’ve been there since 4am, so when you tell me what you want to drink and I in return ask you what size you want, I don not need your whole drink repeated to me. All I need to know is what fucking size you want. The same goes with when I ask if you wanted it extra hot, or sugar free, I do not need all of it repeated to me again all I need is an answer to my question so I can get you out of my line and on your way. Now I know that there are many pastries that look the same, but the all have labels telling you what they are, I would like to assume that everyone who walks into my store is educated enough to read a one to three letter label but Im guess Im wrong. so when I’m standing at the register and you point in a direction and say I want that one, do me a favor and just tell me what it is so that I don’t have to play the guessing game with you and you look at me like I’m stupid because you cant take the time to read the name of what it is that you want. It also may be hard for people to remember the names that starbucks has as sizes, but in general if someone says I want either a small medium or large I know what they mean. But when I ask someone what size they want and they say I don’t know whatever you have it really annoys me, because we have all the sizes small, medium. large, tall, grande, venti. I t doesn’t matter what the hell you tell me, just tell me something so I don’t have to guess and it turns out that you wanted either a smaller or larger size. And for people who are always in a hurry in the morning because they are running late need to realize that when you’re standing in line and there’s five to six people in front of you, their drinks are first. so don’t come up to my bar once you leave the register asking me if I have your drink coming up next, for one I don’t know what your drink is yet, and two I don’t even know who you are. So no until I have the people’s drinks out who were in front of you I do not have your drink up yet. And please remember that every starbucks is different so it may be the case that the starbucks you frequent most gives you a break when you buy coffee, but we however will not. We don’t see you, we don’t know you, and we don’t care what the “other” starbucks does, and we will charge you accordingly. I do understand that we are there to serve you to the best of our abilities, but that does NOT give you the right to be rude.

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