Understanding Wahhabism

Wahhabism is a sect in Islam, like the Shia, Sunni and Sufi. Muhammd Ibn Abdi-l-Wahhab founded the sect in .

Wahhab (1703-1792) was born in
, an Arabian province. He disagreed with the rising influence of the mystical sect of Islam, called Sufism. He believe that it was corrupting the society and wanted his people to follow the more orthodox and puritanical version of Islam. His father and brother, who were clerics did not agree with him and expelled him from

He then moved to the town Diriya, where he formed an alliance with warlord Muhammad bin Saud. Saud recognized Wahhabism as an official interpretation of Islam in the conquered territories ( later called Saudi Arabia).In return, Wahhab gave religious legitimacy to Saud’s rule over Saudi Arabia. To make a bond stronger, Wahhab’s daughter was married to Saud’s son, Abdul Aziz. Thus began the Saudi royal family’s long lasting relationship with Wahhabism.

Wahhabi’s accept the Quaran and the hadith as basis for their principles, along with commentaries from Ibn Wahhab and scholar Ibn Taymiyya (1263-1328).They claim to interpret the words of the Prophet directly, and do not follow any specific method of jurisprudence. The sect’s theology regards all worship of saints, angels and wearing of charms is sacrilegious and preaches a very puritanical and orthodox version of Islam. Wahhabism forbids any innovation in terms of worship.

After the events of 9/11, there has been lot of discussion about the sect. The reason behind this could be that the infamous Osama bin Laden, a Saudi, belongs to the sect. People want to know whether the sect promotes terrorism and hatred against the Western world and its position on suicide bombings and killing of the “non-believers”. Actually, Bin Laden looks upon Sayyid Qutb, an Egyption activist and extremist for intellectual guidance. Qutb, who was sentenced to death in 1966, was not a religious scholar but a radical activist who used Islamic extremism to fight against the authority. He was not a Wahhabi, and was closer to Sufism.

About Wahhabism and terrorism, as Islam strictly preaches against suicide (it is haram, i.e., despised by God), killing innocents during war, technically the sect does not sanction suicide bombings neither does it support terrorism. But then they believe that Wahhabism is the only way to God and the only true form of Islam, which makes them hostile to non-believers. This is the real irony, in one hand Islam preaches peace and understanding, in the other hand the concept of jihad and the way the sects have interpreted the teachings have turned Islam into a hate monger religion.

Liberals among the Wahhabis have put up an effort to clear the name of their sect. A book titled “The Wahhabi Myth (2nd Edition) – Dispelling Prevalent Fallacies and the Fictitious Link with Bin Laden”by Haneef James Oliver talks in length about the true meaning of Wahhabism and explores the link with Bin Laden. Then there are many charities run by the sect who are trying to present a tolerant image of the sect.

In times like this when the whole world looks at Islam and anything Islamic suspiciously, it would help mend our fractured relations if we try to understand each other without any prejudice.





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