Jack’s Big Music Show: Children’s Television on Noggin Network

Jack’s Big Music Show is a half hour program available on the Noggin Network. Noggin is a spin-off of the Nickelodeon network and focuses primarily on shows crated for the preschool aged child. Jack and his best friend Mary and his dog Mal make use of a clubhouse in Jack’s backyard. The clubhouse is home to every instrument known to man. The characters are puppets, with the occasional live person guest. There are also several segments during each show that features mainly well-known children’s singers and often children themselves.

Each episode of Jack’s Big Music Show focuses on a different style of music. Some of the most memorable are swing and jazz. The storyline focuses around the music and the characters are often learning new types of music or musical instruments. No matter what the genre, the characters are excited to learn, play, and sing. It really engages the audience, both young and old.

The segments of Jack’s Big Music show, in which there are live action people singing and dancing are fun to watch and generally involve songs so catchy that they become permanently ingrained in my mind and often I will sing them for hours on end. One of the most notable of these guests is the Laurie Berkner Band. They have made quite a name for themselves in the children’s music industry. While many of the other performers are lesser known, or unknown, there is quite a lot of talent involved in this show.

While Jack’s Big Music Show focuses primarily on teaching music appreciation, in many episodes it also delves into more educational and life skill issues. There have been episodes that deal with self-esteem, sharing, and compromising. There have also been shows dealing with counting, shapes, and the alphabet. All the while, the show never strays from the musical roots it is laying down.

With so many children’s television shows trying to be super educational, Jack’s Big Music Show is a pleasant alternative. Yes, the messages are in the show, but the wonderful music makes it more entertaining. The children are not being force-fed any educational material and yet they are coming away from the television with the knowledge. It is a proven fact that material is often retained easier when it is set to music, and Jack’s Big Music Show has nailed this concept and provided a fun and educational show for children.

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