Paintball Safety Tips

Paintball is a fun activity, especially if you have many players. However, because paintball guns shoot paint at high speeds, this fun game can quickly turn dangerous if a few safety tips are not followed. Some people have a sick sense of humor, and can’t enjoy a straightforward and satisfying game of paintball. Instead, they take it upon themselves to vandalize personal property by shooting paintballs at cars, mailboxes, residences, and so forth. Additionally, there have even been many incidents of drive-by paintball shootings, in which pedestrians have been struck and injured. In most cases, these incidents involve teenagers. Nonetheless, the consequences can be severe. Before playing paintball, or allowing children to engage in the sport, consider the following safety tips for preventing injury and other mishaps.

� While participating in a game of paintball, it is easy to become caught up in the excitement, and begin wildly shooting the paintball at opposing players. However, avoid firing the paintball gun at unsuspecting players, and those not wearing a safety mask or goggles.

� Never shoot the paintball gun at animals. It may seem like harmless fun, but paintballs exit the gun at high velocity, which could cause injury to pets and other animals.

� Avoid shooting paintballs in public places. Ideally, paintball games should be played in secluded areas such as open fields or designation paintball grasslands. This way, you avoid splattering paint on homes, cars, and people passing.

� When playing a game of paintball, choose a referee responsible for starting and stopping the game. Players should not begin firing the paint gun until the referee blows a whistle signaling the start, and stop firing guns as soon as the whistle blows to conclude the game.

� Make sure that paintballs travel no more than 300 feet per second. Increasing the gun speed can cause serious injury to other players.

� Once the paintball game concludes, turn on the trigger safety and unload the gun.

� When transporting the paintballs and gun to the playing site, make sure the gun is unloaded, and the safety trigger secured.

âÂ?¢ Because paintballs can discharge at extremely high speeds, avoid aiming the gun within 15 feet of other players. In addition, avoid looking down the gun’s barrel. If the paintball gun were to trigger by accident, close contact will cause bodily harm.

� Always wear appropriate protective gear while playing paintball. Keep skin completely covered with long pants and long sleeves.

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