How to Love Your Body Image

Does this sound familiar to you? Do you regularly express fears about becoming too fat? Do you constantly compare yourself to others? Do you avoid certain social activities because of the way you look? If you answered yes to any of those questions, you could be suffering from a negative body-image.

Well, you are not alone. The American culture tends to be obsessed with weight, facial beauty and hair. As a result, women along with men usually suffer from some form of a poor body image at one time in their life. However, don’t despair. You don’t have to live with this condition. A poor body image can be overcome by following a few simple rules.

Rule #1 – view advertisements with a critical eye
Let’s face it. Most advertisers are trying to sell you a fantasy – a fantasy that by using a certain spray or cream, you will transform into the image of the beautiful model portrayed in their advertisement. They cleverly use these unattainable images to make you feel inadequate. For this reason, millions of people part with their hard earned cash each year with the hope of transforming into someone else. However, its time to take a stand. Think about what the advertisers are really trying to sell and don’t buy the hype. After all, probably 90% of what you’ve bought in the past hasn’t really worked anyway. You are still you.

Rule #2 – reject stereotypes
Once you’ve developed your critical eye, think about the people you know. How many of them look like the models you see in the movies or music videos? Does this make you love them any less? Always remember that diversity is the key to life. For this reason, people, like flowers, come in different shapes, shades and sizes. Yet, they all are beautiful. So, the next time you are tempted to tell yourself you should look a certain way, remind yourself that you are an original. No one can do you better than you.

Rule #3 – openly appreciate others
As you appreciate yourself, help others appreciate themselves too. Let the people in your life know you love them unconditionally. Compliment friends and family based on qualities that have nothing to do with appearance. Also, don’t participate in name-calling based on appearance. Although the person may pretend to laugh off your comments, privately, they may be crying over your hurtful words. And remember, what goes around comes around. As you make others feel comfortable with themselves, your own self-image will grow.

Are you feeling a little better? Well, here are some exercises you can do on your own that will further reaffirm a positive body-image:

Make a list of your accomplishments. Give yourself a pleasant surprise. Write down all of the wonderful things your body does now without being a size 5. From cooking delicious meals to planning special events for your family, you do it all in the body you have now. So be proud! When you are feeling down, you can always go back and read this list or even make a new one.

Compliment yourself. Take the time each day to say something nice to yourself. Give yourself the courtesy you’d give someone else. Be your own fan for a few seconds each day and you’ll be surprise how much better you’ll feel.

Set Goals. Set goals which have nothing to do with looks. Join a club. Get a hobby. Participate in an activity that focuses on helping others. Your success in these areas will quickly supercede any negative feelings you have about your looks. They will also help you focus on the real you.

Now that you know the rules there’s no reason to feel negative about your body. Your body is a part of what defines who you are and makes you special. So, be yourself!

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