Should Prostitution Be Legalized?

Older people have a saying, “Don’t cut off your nose, to spite your face.” This saying simply means don’t take any action that may result in your demise. Try not to hurt…yourself.

There was a time in the United States when prostitution for lack of a better term was – -a respected profession. There in the middle of Beautiful America were places called brothels. The ruler of the brothel was usually an older, cranky, woman and she was called the madam. This woman provided room and board to the women who were displaced by society and thus, became prostitutes. For a fee any gentlemen caller could visit a brothel, pick any woman of his choice, and after an hour or two leave with a smile on his face. The madam would collect the money before the act and the profits were plentiful.

Should prostitution be legalized, is a question that has haunted many for decades. According to a paper written by Mark Liberator an advocate for legalizing prostitution the author wrote, “It was thought prohibition would put an end to many social problems but it actually created many more. Increasing the number of laws runs a risk of creating more criminals, and that is exactly what had happened. Jails became filled.”

In his paper Liberator states many facts. He discusses society as a whole and contends that since prostitution is illegal the ramifications of such has left us in a world filled with sexually transmitted diseases, broken families, crime, and heavy drug use. The day of the brothel is no more at least not in many states. Prostitutes are subjected to the hard core reality of drugs, street life, and the hard hands and rules of pimps. In fact, in his writing Liberator talks about the governments role in this social problem he argued, “Whether one is a liberal or conservative, republican or democrat, the role of government is to carry out necessary duties its citizens cannot perform. Politicians are elected to government positions to solve the problems countries face.” It is speculated that, back when the brothels existed even if the government didn’t step in there was the no nonsense madam who would get out a shot gun quick – before anything detrimental could happen to one of her workers.

The question: Should prostitution be legalized? is probably something that makes wives from many cultures tremble. Legalizing prostitution may be cause havoc in many marriages. In an opposing view to legalize prostitution, author Janice G. Raymond makes an argument of 10 reasons not to legalize prostitution she wrote, “As men have an excess of “sexual services” that are offered to them, women must compete to provide services by engaging in anal sex, sex without condoms, bondage and domination and other proclivities demanded by the clients. Once prostitution is legalized, all holds are barred.”

From the days of the brothel it is assumed that the madam provided the women of the house with healthcare services. The local physician would make private calls to the house, in the attempt to control the spread of disease. However, according to Raymond, legalizing prostitution will not cut down on sexually transmitted diseases, she contended, “A legalized system of prostitution that mandates health checks and certification only for women and not for clients is blatantly discriminatory to women. “Women only” health checks make no public health sense because monitoring prostituted women does not protect them from HIV/AIDS or STDs, since male “clients” can and do originally transmit disease to the women.”

One of the most famous brothels today exists in Nevada and it is called the BunnyRanch. Owned and operated by Dennis Hof. In an article written about Hof, the journalist Deirdre Pike pays a visit to the BunnyRanch and gives the public an insightful view. Pike wrote, “Hof’s goal is to see prostitution become a major economic force in society’s mainstream. He’d like to help sanitize the sleazy street-corner-hooker image. He foresees a coming cultural atmosphere in which those seeking female companionship can easily find a safe, legal place to get laid.” The article continues and Hof is almost portrayed like a Santa Claus, savior, type for displaced women and their children. He provides room and board for the women and other amenities like a workout room and tanning salon at the BunnyRanch. Sex, Sex, and more Sex is what the BunnyRanch is all about, but also Hof is about giving back to the community. Pike wrote about Hof’s philanthropy and the kind heart he has for the poor and desolate. Is Hof answering our question of: should prostitution be legalized through his actions? Could back to the brothels be a way of protection and harmony in a profession that is older than most careers in the world?

Nonetheless, prostitution has existed for ages. Some are repulsed by the idea and others are understanding. Should prostitution be legalized? – is a hot debate. Even with the most stringent laws prostitution has prevailed and is knocking down doors to thrive more than ever. What is at stake? The lives of many women are caught up in this hot, social, issue. Some see the benefits of legalizing prostitution others oppose it. However, whether illegal or not – -the lives of many people are affected by this social issue, because prostitutes are still making money 24 hours, 7 days a week. Therefore, has America cut off her nose and spited her face?

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