Choosing and Buying Wedding Favors

Historically, the giving of wedding favors is thought to date back to old European aristocracy, who gave small boxes filled with sugar to their wedding guests. Since sugar was scarce in their time, it was considered the ultimate prestigious gift.

Eventually, the idea of wedding favors spread to the masses and took the form of five sugar-coated almonds wrapped in delicate cloths or boxes. The almonds were thought to symbolize longevity, fertility, health, wealth, and happiness.

Today wedding favors have become completely unique and depend on the theme of the wedding and the couple getting married. They should be unique and represent the couple as one unit.

With this in mind, it is the bride and groom’s responsibility to choose a gift or keepsake that not only goes with their wedding theme, but represents them as well. Wedding favors are a special way of thanking guests for being there.

While choosing the right favors may seem overwhelming, there are many choices and selections for the bridal couple to choose from. There are pre-made wedding favors, as well as kits for making your own. Often, a close friend or relative will take over and create special wedding favors for the bride and groom.

Unique wedding favors and wedding keepsake favors come in myriad styles and theme ideas are limited only to the couple’s imagination. Many couples choose to buy wedding favors that are personalized with the couple’s names and with the date of the wedding so guests can remember the occasion.

Other wedding guest favors include edible wedding favors, like customized chocolate bars, flower & garden wedding favors. Wedding keepsake favors include trinkets, pens, goblets, and more. There are numerous types of wedding favors available; they all depend on what the bride and groom want, as well as the theme of the wedding.

Choosing and buying your wedding favors is relatively easy. While many retail stores have cheap wedding favors and expensive wedding favors, online m
hants often have access to a better selection and more reasonable prices. Larger sites like have many options to choose from and make finding your favors much easier and less expensive.

A time-honored tradition that today has become almost important as the bridal dress itself, the giving of wedding favors to guests is a sign of gratitude or appreciation from the bride and groom. Thus choosing and buying wedding favors has become one of the most integral tasks when planning a wedding.

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