Reality Tv Show Idea: Is that an Alien?

Do you like taking midnight strolls through dark, barren forests? Do you live in an isolated part of the United States? Do you have only a sixth grade education or so many degrees that you classify as a genius? Do the people in your family all live in neighboring shacks or trailers? And finally, have you ever seen something strange floating in through the stars? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are a candidate for the latest reality craze called Is that an Alien?

Is that an Alien? is a one hour reality show that focuses on the lives of three people who say they’ve seen an alien. For the first fifteen minutes, the show’s host takes the viewers through a sneak peek of the lives of each guest. We find out where they live. We find out who and what they love. And, naturally, we find out when they saw an alien. However, half way through the guest’s story about their encounter with the first kind, the show host stops them and says “I heard your story is nothing but a hoax. So, I am challenging you to prove to everyone if you can really identify an alien.” This statement starts the most captivating part of the show. If faced with another alien, would any of these three people be able to point him out.

After a long commercial break, the host appears in a remote field next to strip of land that has burn marks over it from what appears to be a flying saucer. The camera then focuses on the guests who are now called participants. They are told that an alien was just sighted in that particular field the night before. The first person to get pictures of it and return back to the starting point will be the recipient of $50,000. The twist is that the contest doesn’t start until midnight and ends promptly at 1:00 a.m. Other than a flashlight and a camera, the participants won’t have any tools to help them in their search. However, as the host reminds them, they don’t really need anything anyway because they’ve already seen an alien anyway. Right?

Well, as the participants run through the field, chant up at the sky and even break down into tears, it is discovered that some of them might not have seen an an alien. As a matter of fact, as time passes, confessions begin to fly. In one episode, one man states it was a moose he saw after a night of drinking moonshine mixed with cough syrup. In another episode, a woman states that she made the whole thing up to get attention from her wayward husband. Yet, these confessions only add to the flavor to the show. They make viewers want to watch. And, of course, there is always the end when someone emerges triumphant and the question looms – did they really get a photo of an alien?

Well – no. It’s been rumored that two skillfully made-up actors hide up in the field in customized suits. One is dressed as a pink bunny. The other is dressed in a green suit and looks like the historically described look of an alien. But, who cares? This fast paced show is captivating and its viewers won’t mind that it’s really only make-believe. So don’t forget to watch – Is that anAlien? It’ll be in the upcoming fall line-up.

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