The Differences Between Men and Women

Its important to remember that men and women are fundamentally different at their core. Mastering and accepting these differences will truly enrich your relationships. It is of my opinion that the vast majority of conflict between men and women is due to a lack of understanding. Men and women communicate and think in different ways. Both sexes make the mistake is assuming that each gender thinks the same way and therefore cannot understand why they act differently to certain situations. In this article I hope to in part explain some of these differences and give some guidance how men and women can understand each other better.

First of all men have direct form of communication. In basic terms this in their natural state they say what they mean. By natural state I mean when they are not upset or angry and are therefore able to think in a rational manner. It is no secret that both men and women will say things they do not mean when upset or angry. Men do not play games and tend to say exactly what they mean especially in the workplace. Men are also goal ordinated meaning there communication and actions usually has a specific purpose. This does not mean men are incapable of having social conversations, but they usually will not talk about their inner most feelings with other men.

Women on the other hand are quite different and have a more direct communication style. Women talk for the sake of talking and are looking to connect. For women talking allows them to connect and feel close to people their communication rarely has a specific purpose. The desire for women to connect holds true on all parts of their life not just communication. Men are often perplexed with the love women have to shop. The answer lies with the whole desire to connect because men are goal orientated they assume women shop because they want a specific purchase. The objective of shopping for women is to connect and what they purchase is rather insignificant. This explains how women can spend hours at the mall without buying anything.

As you can imagine this differing styles may cause conflict in relationships. The best thing to do is realize this differences and adapt your communication and actions. Any psychologist will tell you the key to relationships is communication. Men should open up as much as possible and talk about their inner most feelings women love that. Tell the women in your life what she means to you and the way she makes you feel this is what women want. Also remember women communicate to connect not necessary with a specific purpose. When the women in your life is talking to you listen and comfort her rather than looking for solutions. Most problems that women have they are quite capable of solving themselves, but they are looking for some comfort not help. Women need to be more understanding of the man in their life when it comes to communication. Teach your man what you need from him and let him know you need comfort and support not just answers. Most of all women should give their man time and realize your asking them to do something they are not used to. Also women should be more direct in their communication and clearly state what they need and want.

Overall men and women need to understand each other better. Both sexes need to realize they need to adapt their communication they have with their partner. Men and women are fundamentally different and both sexes should realize this. Above all communication is the key and the more you communicate the better you will understand and connect wit your partner.

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