10 Tips for Great Interior/Exterior Painting

With help to be hired in painting houses and offices, many people simply turn to the professionals to do the work. We have forgotten that painting is actually a very simple task. The greatest fear in completing this task, however, is that it will not appear professionally done when completed. These simple tips for painting will help you get on your way to doing a professional job by yourself without having to fork over money for laborers.

1. Type of Paint

The first tip is in deciding what sort of paint you want to buy. There is a great variety of paints ranging from Latex to Oil-based paint. Latex paint generally runs cheaper than Oil, but you can also expect to buy in greater quantities. Since Latex-based paints are used for larger jobs, it is often more economical. Latex paint is a great way to go if you are looking for covering a large wall with an inexpensive material. Latex is also easy to clean up, since it consists primarily of water-based pigments. Oil-based paints will likely offer you a larger selection. Oil paint generally is more expensive because it is a more adhesive and longer-lasting form. If you are looking for a more style-oriented and presentable jobs, oil-based paints is definitely the way to go. Keep in mind that oil-based paint will release toxic fumes, so make sure to have passage of air. Latex paint should not release any odor, and should not harm you in most cases.

2. Choosing Color

Remember that you will likely have professional help in choosing a color at the store you purchase your paint from. Home Depot and Lowe’s will assist you in choosing and mixing the correct color for what you choose to paint. Bring a few swatches of materials, or photos of furniture in the room you are going to paint. That way, you will be able to pick out a suitable color that will properly accompany your decorating. Another simple tip on selecting color is this: if you have a large amount of dark-colored furniture in the room, select a lighter color or shade to paint the walls. This will help alleviate the atmosphere of the room and make it seem larger. The opposite is true if you want to make a large room appear slightly smaller. Another tip would be to trust the store attendant. Often times you will open a new can of paint to find the color much different than you expected. Do not worry about this, because paint in a can looks much different than it will dried on a wall.

3. Make Way for the Job

A common mistake many people make is to simply leave their furniture where it is, painting around it or shifting it from one side to another. Go ahead and remove the furniture as completely as you possibly can from the area you are about to paint. You will not regret it. If there are large or fragile pieces of furniture, recruit the help of neighbors or associates, they will more than likely be glad to help you for a few minutes.

4. Tape Up

Another common mistake people (and even professionals) often make, is to try to paint around obstacles such as doors, windows and light fixtures. Take the extra time to get a role of professionally recommended paint tape and tape around the obstacles. Unscrew any light switches and outlets if possible and protect door knobs and hinges with tape or plastic. Also tape up base and headboards as to keep them looking good. Too many times will you see paint jobs where this was forgotten, and the result just looks terrible.

5. Cover your floors

Don’t forget to get a large tarp or plastic garbage bags to protect your floors. While Latex paint is sometimes easily cleaned, you won’t be able to get all of it. Carpets and wood and tile all alike will be more expensive to replace or have professionally cleaned than it will be to take the necessary precautions to avoid a mess.

6. Brushes, Rollers and Sponges

There are three main types of painting utensils: brushes, rollers and sponges. While brushes were traditionally used to complete entire painting jobs, new forms of applying paint have far exceeded the effectiveness of brushes. Use brushes to paint around edges or peculiar shaped objects, such as light fixtures, doorknobs and some windows. Sponges can be used to do long, straight-edged lines. They are fairly reliable, and so long as you have taped correctly, they should leave you with great looking, straight lines. Use sponges along baseboards, headboards and along doorframes and window frames. Rollers are the most popular method of applying paint and are the most professional. Rollers will leave you with a smooth layer of paint in between those difficult obstacles and edges. Use rollers as close as you can to edges without getting paint on any other surface to leave a clean layer of paint.

6. Texture

While the type of paint has a great effect on what your surface will look like, the ultimate result depends on the type of painting utensil. Latex paint is often thicker and the surface will appear more blotchy and thick. Oil-based paints leave a much smoother surface and make for a more decorative area. Brushes will inevitably, especially with Latex paint, leave brush marks on the paint job. While oil will be applied more smoothly, it too will have traces of the brush paint job. Sponges are great, though, if not smoothed well can leave a splotchy appearance. Rollers are again the best way to go, they leave a smooth layer of paint on your surface without splotches and brush lines. You can even find textured rollers with shapes inside the rolling sponge to achieve different textures on your wall.

7. Always 2 Coats

Many people believe one coat of paint to suffice for their job. This is a misconception for the long-run in that you will begin to see more chipping of paint and marks on walls. Always use at least a second if not third coat of paint to get the surface looking the same color all the way across without splotches and blemishes. Wait for your first layer to dry completely and then apply your next coat. You will have to use twice as much paint, but the look and last will be ten times more satisfying.

8. Painting Outside

When painting outside, it is often good to remember how weather can wear on paint and surfaces. This is why companies make weather-protecting sealers. These are clear coatings of paint or enamel that will allow you to seal painted surfaces outside. These coats will protect your exterior paint from rain and sun so your paint job will last longer.

9. Surfaces

Maintain a good perception of which type of surface you are painting. If your surface is drywall, you should have little trouble getting a careful paint job to look excellent. The paint goes on smoothly and there are fewer bumps and cracks in the surfaces. If you are painting wood or concrete, however, you will have more difficulty applying the paint. Concrete tends to soak up more paint, leaving you with more coats to apply. Wood will often have odd textures and surfaces making it difficult to apply the paint everywhere. Keep an eye out for what type of surface you are painting, and keep in mind you may have to do a little more work.

10. Cleanup

This part is everyone’s least favorite task. Don’t forget that cleanup can easily make just as big of a mess as the painting itself. Take steps to make sure no paint will splash in unwanted areas. First, pour any unused paint from pans back into the can, this way, you will be saving as much money for future jobs as possible. Latex paint is water-based, and therefore easily cleaned with water in a sink or through a hose. Be sure to wash all the paint down a drain (preferably outside) or into a patch of dirt so you won’t ruin other plants or surfaces. Oil-based paints often require paint thinner or gasoline to remove from utensils and skin. (Don’t make the mistake of getting oil-based paint in your hair as I once did, it will take hours to wash out) Be very careful with thinner and gasoline as it will often damage other paint or surfaces; also, only use it outside where the fumes can be released.

This is my advice to those looking to do their own painting without hiring the professional help. I hope you find these tools useful if you choose to do your own job. Good luck, and remember that often times; even professional painters will not do as good a job as you can with some careful painting.

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