Entertaining at Retirement Communities

What started as a local gig soon blossomed into a 200-mile radius gig. Senior retirement communities were requesting me to entertain their residents with my flute playing. I am known as ‘The Flute Lady’. As with anything, it has had its ups and downs. Overall, I have seen many souls touched by my entertaining at senior retirement communities. The music touches souls.

My first gig was at a birthday party held at an independent living facility. Every month this retirement community sets aside one day to celebrate all the birthdays that month. It turns out the residents loved the flute and specifically asked for me to entertain them during their birthday party. There were 12 at the party I entertained at. And, management wanted me to play ‘Happy Birthday” for each birthday celebrant. That was a trip. 12 times of playing back-to-back ‘Happy Birthday’? OK, no problem. It was entertaining to me to hear how the residents were petering out with the singing the more times I played the song. Finally, on the 12th playing, I think they were clapping since the fiasco was done. All in all, birthdays are a great way to entertain at senior retirement communities.

‘Red Hat Society’ get togethers are another popular occasion to provide live flute entertainment at retirement communities. My experience has shown that women enjoy the flute much more than men. And, of course, ‘Red Hat Society’ members are women. They simply love the soothing tones that the flute provides for background music.

To demonstrate the unexpected, I would like to talk about my first gig at a nursing home. It is one I will never forget nor do again. Upon entering the facility, I was told to set up near the front of the room. So, I did. Picture a table with four men residents about five feet from me. I introduced myself to my room-filled audience and starting playing. Suddenly I hear a loud visceral sound coming from the table five feet from me. I kept playing and then got a whiff of the reason for the visceral sound. Someone had decided to greet me with a heavy dose of flatulence. Or, less politely, someone cut the cheese big time. It simply stunk to high heaven! It is hard to play the flute when you can’t breathe, you know. What was I to do? Being the consummate showperson that I am, I knew “the show must go on”. So, I elongated my note, grabbed my music stand with my right hand, and moved it over. I was hoping to get out of nasty air zone. I found out later that the man could not speak due to health reasons. Perhaps that was his way of welcoming me. I simply belch would have been just fine, thank you. This is yet another experience of entertaining at a retirement community.

To demonstrate the sentimental, I would like to talk about another gig that comes to mind. It occurred during the year end holiday festivities at an independent living facility. I was playing to a full house, having a great time, until the food was served. I never knew walkers could deal with so much speed. Suddenly, I had an audience of one. I asked the gentleman what he would like to hear. “Do you have White Christmas?” he asked. That song happens to be one of my favorites, plus I get a lot of requests for it. “Yes, I do,” I replied. So, I played ‘White Christmas’. First, he started with a whimsical expression and grin. As time passed, he cried tears of joy and tears of sadness. The song had obviously evoked some memories. He told me afterward that he saw Bing Crosby sing that song during his last concert tour. I played the song for 15 minutes, over and over. He simply loved it. It was wonderful to see. This but one story I have heard due to my entertaining at senior retirement communities.

I have seen whimsical expressions, twinkling eyes, faraway eyes, smiles, and tears as a result of entertaining with my flute playing. The music touches the souls. And, the stories I have heard are simply priceless. All of this is a result of my entertaining at senior retirement communities.

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