Just in Case There is a God

Is there really a God? Does God exist? Is there a supreme being who made everything in the universe to work like it does or was everything just “created” by chance? These are age old questions that the great thinkers of the world have been discussing for hundreds and thousands of years.

A pastor I know recently climbed a mountain with a few friends to help raise funds for a building project at his church. This was no ordinary mountain he was attempting to climb. It was over 9,000 feet high. While making the climb he met a man on the trail. They talked for a little bit and ended up climbing together. While talking during the ascent, the man shared that he did not believe there was a God.

Eventually the group reached the summit together. As they were beginning the descent the man asked the pastor if he could continue on with them down the mountain. He mentioned he had been enjoying the God-talk on the way up the mountain and would like to listen some more on the way down. But he added that they should not expect him to change his views on God’s exsistence.

When they reached the bottom and they were saying their goodbys, the man said he would like to send a $100 donation for the new church building. The pastor said that would be nice if he was so inclined. They parted having experienced a wonderful trip on a majestic mountain together. Everybody drove back to their homes and the climbing day was over.

A few weeks later, the pastor received a letter from the man. Instead of a check for $100 it was for $200. Written on a piece of paper included in the envelope with the check was… “Just in case there is a God!”

This statement shows that this man has some doubts – he’s not totally satisfied with his “belief” system. He is saying, “Would God show me favor if I was wrong about thinking He doesn’t exist? Would He accept my $200 as my ‘Just in case’? If I had spent my whole life believing He didn’t exist, would He still offer me Heaven?”

The question comes to us again and again – what if there is a God? What if…? What if…?

It is written, “Without faith it is impossible to please God”. Will your $200, $1000 or even your $1,000,000 suffice as a “Just in case” in the eyes of God? Are you willing to take a chance or place a bet on being right about God not existing?

I believe in God’s existence, but what if I’m wrong? My body will go back to dust and that will be the end. I will have followed the teachings of Jesus Christ as best I could and lived according to His principles and hopfully have made a difference in my world.

You believe God does not exist, but what if you’re wrong? One day you will stand before the God you did not believe in and He will judge you according to your faith in Him. If you did not believe Jesus is the son of God and confess it with your mouth, there is a place prepared for you. According to the Bible it is not Heaven, and it will last for eternity.

In the end I would have to ask, “Are you a bettin’ man (or woman)?” Because if you’re wrong, all the “just in cases” in the world won’t matter to a Holy God who is” just in all His ways”.

Just in case there is a God, won’t you believe today? It could make the difference in where you spend eternity.

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