How to Stop Your Pet’s Bleeding

Pets are constantly scraping and cutting themselves, especially those who stay outside and romp around all day getting into and stepping on everything. Although, any mild bleeding will heal itself you may want to learn how to stop your pet’s bleeding anyway. To stop the bleeding or at least slow it down for a few minutes, press the wound firmly using a clean cloth. If the bleeding is serious, apply direct pressure to the wound to help slow the bleeding. Press the wound wherever the bleeding is to help control heavier bleeding.

Don’t apply or wrap your pet’s legs or paws with a tourniquet. If the blood supply is cut off for too long, it can cause loss of limbs. After you have stopped or controlled the bleeding, be sure to trim some of the hair from around the wound to help speed up the healing process and keep the wound clean. You can also apply some Vaseline to keep the hair from falling on the wound and make it easier to rinse away hairs that have fallen on the wound.

Pets are afraid when they have been injured and they don’t care too much for extra attention to the wounded area. Be gentle and pat your pet to reassure them when applying first aid to stop the bleeding. You may also want to put a muzzle on your pet if you think there may be a chance you can get bitten while attending to the wound. If you don’t have a muzzle, you can create a makeshift one by wrapping a thin rope or towel around your pet’s mouth and tying it into place. Don’t make the muzzle to tight it can cause your pet to get sick or they may have trouble breathing, especially if they are not use to having something wrapped around their mouth. If you are finding it difficult to wrap your pet’s mouth, try covering them up with a blanket or towel.

If the bleeding doesn’t stop right away, try tying a loose-fitting bandage around the wound. If it continues to bleed through the first bandage, apply a second loose-fitting bandage. Of course, if the bleeding continues take your pet to the vet. It is important to remember that cleaning the wound is just as important as stopping the bleeding. Not keeping a wound clean can build up an infection, which will cause more trouble. For recent wounds, flush the wound with warm water for a few minutes. For older wounds, wash the wound with antibacterial soap or antiseptic solution.

Once the wound is clean, rub a small amount of antibiotic ointment to prevent any bacteria from building up in the wound. Everyday remove the bandage and clean the wound with warm water, then apply the antibiotic ointment and wrap it again. If your pet stays inside the house, you may want to cover their paws if the paws are bleeding to prevent your floors from getting blood spots on it. If the wound is deep and is bleeding a lot and you can’t stop it, make sure to take your pet to the vet. Deep wounds can cause damage to nerves and muscles and increase the possibility of infection.

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