Mediterranean Faux Tile Treatment Perfect for the Bathroom

Paint is one of the most affordable ways to update the look of your bathroom. This faux tile paint treatment will give the look of real tile to your bathroom. It is the perfect way to add a Mediterranean design flare to any bathroom. Mediterranean colors are bright, colorful, and most importantly inspired by the sea. That is why I chose blue as the color theme for this faux paint treatment. It adds clean geometric lines to a dull outdated bathroom. You should easily be able to buy all the supplies for this easy bathroom update for $100 or less.

You will need:

Blue semi gloss or egg shell paint in three varying shades of blue
Light gray semi gloss paint
Very thin painter’s tape (the thinnest you can find)
Chair rail
White eraser
1″ Foam Paint Brushes (3)
3 Small paint trays

To start this project paint the walls you plan to create the faux wall tile treatment in your bathroom with the light gray color. This will act as your grout lines in the end, so choose a gray color that you think would make good grout lines in your bathroom. I recommend Lazy Gray made by Sherwin Williams. It is a light gray that is perfect for the look of custom grout.

Once this paint has dried over night you are ready to start taping off your tiles. Use a level and pencil to mark off lines every 2″ horizontally. Trace them lightly with a pencil. Next, repeat this step with vertical lines. Space them 2″ apart as well.

Use your thin painter’s tape to begin marking off your grout lines. Place the tape just a hair to the right of each line vertically. Leave the pencil mark showing so that you can paint over it to cover most of it. Next, start taping off your horizontal lines. Tape off just a hair below each horizontal line, letting them show as well so they can be easily painted over. Once your grout lines (painter’s tape) are in place, you are ready to start painting your faux tile.

When painting a faux Mediterranean tile wall I like to paint 2/3’s of the tile in one blue color, the main color. Of the remaining 1/3 paint 2/3’s of those in another blue, the secondary color. Leave the remaining 1/3 for a final blue or bright blue, the accent color. Minor Blue from Sherwin Williams would make a great main color. Bubble from Sherwin Williams would make a great secondary color. Major Blue from Sherwin Williams would make a great accent color.

You can paint your faux Mediterranean tile in a random or specific pattern. It can be unique for your bathroom. Pour a little for each paint into their own tray. Don’t mix the colors. Dip the 1″ foam brush into your paint and start painting each individual tile. Use a different foam brush for each tile. You want true colors, no mixing. Invite a friend over to help to speed up the process. You can return the favor by helping them with a home improvement project.

You may find that you need to let the first coat dry and that you have to apply a second coat. Once the tiles are adequate covered you can remove the tape. If you use semi gloss paint you will need to remove the tape before it dries, other wise the paint may peel off with the tape leaving uneven grout lines. Work slowly and carefully regardless of which paint you use those. Touch ups can be really tedious with this project.

Once you have finished this project you can enjoy your hard work.


1. For added interest do the bottom 2/3’s of your walls in this faux painted Mediterranean tile treatment. Paint the top half a complimentary color, like Laurens Surprise or Bravo Blue from Sherwin Williams. Something like a cool white would look nice as well. To finish off the area where your “tile” ends and your wall begins attach a real chair rail to your wall. It will add dimension and make our project look great.

2. You could also do this faux tile wall treatment as an accent wall. Choose a wall you see right when you walk in.

3. This faux painted tile wall treatment also would look good as an accent around a flat mirror, around the window in your bathroom, and even around the tub.

4. Finally, make sure your lines are level when you do this project. Check them constantly throughout the whole venture. Once unlevel mark will cause the entire project to look crooked.

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