No More Commercials

As consumers become more and more immune to commercials, the Television industry must find ways to get out attention without completely annoying us. Here is my idea the TV producers can use to keep their sponsorship while eliminating some of the annoying commercials.

Integrate the products into the show.

Television writers should have little problem hawking items from diet coke to tampons to the general public, with a bit of creative writing. Imagine these scenarios:

Scenario 1 for commercial free TV
Teenage girl sitting alone under a tree. Teenage boy enters with two bottle of coca cola, sits down hands one to the girl.Girl comments on how much she loves coca cola, before the actual conversation starts.

Scenario 2 for commercial free TV
Girl getting ready for pool party and is apparently nervous. Mother enters with a box of Tampax Tampons and puts them in her bag. The mother mentions that these should put her at ease at the pool party. Normal conversation follows.

Scenario 3 for commercial free TV
Child wakes up with stomach ache and walks into kitchen Mother notices discomfort and pulls out bottle of Pepto Bismol and tell him how much better it will make him feel. Child comments that the taste is not too bad. Before you know it, he is on his way to school.

By now, I am sure you get the picture. I am having a bit of fun with this, but it could actually work. TV shows could begin and end with extended commercials, but during the show, all marketing would be based on product placement.

In addition, products could be attached to stars in the same way sports gear is attached to athletes. A popular female actress could be known for only wearing a certain brand of shoes in everything she does. She could slip the name in on occasion. A popular male star could make a car as famous as he is. A certain older actor could be known for the sexual dysfunction drug of his choice (gross, but memorable).

It is actually being done in media already. Mention Aspercreme and think of Regis Philbin. In addition, Star Jones is known for a brand of shoes I am almost certain she has never worn. My ideas may sound a little off the cuff, but if the Hollywood writers think about it for a while, I am sure they could find a way to pull it off subtly.

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