Pesticides- Do You Know What is in the One You Use

We all unfortunately have to use pesticides eventually in our homes. Whether you are trying to rid your home of ants or spiders, you usually cannot do it without using a pesticide. Many of the foods we eat have also been sprayed with pesticides, you never know unless you grow it yourself. Pesticides are especially dangerous to children and elderly people, as they are more susceptible to illness due to often weakened immune systems.

Exposure to common around the house pesticides often used to kill weeds and control insects can be extremely harmful to us. They have been known to cause mild problems, such as rashes, but can go as extreme as being linked to causing some cancers. Many of the pesticides that have proven to be most harmful are no longer on the market, but you never know when the current pesticides of today will be linked to serious health dangers.

If you have to use a pesticide, it is very important that you read all the labels carefully. You can find information online about the particular chemicals in pesticides known to be the most dangerous, a few to watch for though are: organophosphates, carbaryl, and propoxur. If you find that you have products already containing these substances, you need to learn how to properly dispose of them. You can call your local health department, or research online to find out the best ways to get rid of them without harming the environment.

Proper storage of pesticides is important, too. They need to be stored in a place that children cannot access, and where they could not leak into the ground or atmosphere. It is a good idea to keep all chemicals like this in a locked storage area, in an outbuilding, or garage.

You may even want to go as far as consulting your local Board of Education, to find out what types of chemicals are in the pesticides that they use. You can never be too cautious when it comes to the welfare of your children.

There are many alternatives to pesticides that often work just as well as those with chemicals; it just takes time to research out the best options. Your local library or bookstore would be a good source to start with, and of course, the internet has a ton of information on the subject. Oftentimes, you can use normal household items to solve your pest problem, eliminating any possible health risks.

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