What Ever Happened to Customer Service?

Is it just that I am getting older? Am I the only one out there who remembers a time when people believed that the customer was always right? What happened to people in service industries remembering that without their customers they would cease to exist?

I am so tired of going into stores (mostly the bigger ones, but smaller ones are beginning to be like this now, too) and having to hunt down someone to help me. You know, I would probably pay more to go to a store with outstanding customer service With A Smile. Why is it that you can walk into a store where there are clearly a group of people who “work” there standing around gabbing to each other while you wait and wait and wait for help? What is wrong with our society? What has happened that makes people think that this kind of behavior is acceptable? Do they think society OWES them a job? Shoot, if I were the boss, I’d fire their lazy … uh… tails. There is always someone out there who is willing to work. Why should I be ignored so they can catch up on their gossip and / or their social life? That is not the actual reason they are being paid, is it? Do we owe these people a job? Do we owe them unemployment or welfare if they merely show up for work but do not accomplish anything?

Why do I walk up to the customer service counter where there are already 15 people in line, one person working unbearably slow and three others discussing who said what to whom? WAKE UP, people! Why do we put up with this? I am getting pretty tired of being the nice, understanding person I usually am. I am tired of having to convince my son that what he is seeing is the exception not the rule when I know in my heart that nowadays, it IS the rule?

I think that in today’s easy access society, we should use our fingers and our e-mail or telephones to contact the people in charge of these dens of lousy service. We need to get on the ball and demand that we be treated with a little respect. If they want our money, they are going to have to work for it. Talk to the bosses in the only language they understand: Money. I have a friend who has stopped shopping at our closest grocery store because of philosophical differences. I admire her for that. I am not afraid to call when there has been outstanding service. I have done that numerous times. I am going to start calling when there has been lousy service, too.

What about you? Are you sick of the attitudes of these people? TELL someone who can do something about it. Make sure you check the nametag of the offending person and note the time, too. Be thorough and precise. Demand that we be treated as the one with the power, because, folks, WE ARE!

Leave me some comments. I want to hear what you have to say about this topic, too.

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