Acupuncture in Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture was developed almost 5,000 years ago in China. Shen Nung, the reported father of Chinese Medicine, believed that the body had an energy force flowing through it called Qi. He developed related theories of diagnosis pertaining to circulation, heart and pulse.

As you probably know, acupuncture treatments are performed by sticking very fine needles into your skin. Sometimes an electrical stimulus is used. Sometimes it is used in conjunction with heat from burning certain herbs in a method called Moxibustion.

It is believed that your health is influenced by the flow of Qi, or energy, in you body. Qi travels through your body on pathways called meridians. There are 14 main meridians running up and down your body in pairs. Twelve of these are directly related to your organs. Energy is constantly flowing through these meridians. When it gets out of balance, illness can occur.Acupuncture is believed to restore this balance by treating specific points where the Meridians meet your skin.

An important theory pertaining to acupuncture is Yin and Yang. Qi, or energy, is believed to be made up of Yin and Yang. They are opposites working together to create balance.

Yin is described as having female attributes, being passive, cold, dark, and moist while moving medially. It is deficient of Yang.

Yang, on the other hand, is described as having male attributes, being active, warm, light and dry while moving laterally. It is deficient of Yin.

Nothing can be completely Yin or Yang. Yet, when they become unbalanced, it’s believed that’s when illness strikes. There are many theories about how acupuncture works. Some believe that it raises overall anti-body levels along with white blood cells and certain hormones. Others believe it stimulates the release of endorphins in the body. Some believe it works through neurotransmitter levels. Still others believe it has an effect on dilating blood vessels. The most common belief is that it works through the nervous system. However it works, it seems to be a scientific mystery.

Acupuncture is very popular for treating pain. Some common ailments also treated are backaches, arthritis, headaches, allergies, muscle spasms, anxiety and depression.

There are about nine different types of needles used in acupuncture today. Most are disposable. They vary in size and shape. You will feel a sensation when the needle is inserted into you skin. It’s not described as being painful. Various techniques are used during the placement of the needle based upon your ailment.

Western cultures consider acupuncture a new, alternative medicine, but it has been around for centuries. It’s something interesting to check out.

Always consult with your health care provider before trying any alternative healing method.

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