Overcome Mating Problems with Pets

Trying to get your inexperienced pet to mate maybe somewhat of a challenge but there are a number of things you can do to help your pet overcome his or her mating problems. Start the breeding process while your pet is young not when he is too old to care, perform, or lacks the energy or stamina. But wait until your pet is at least 18 months old before you get him started on his mating adventure. Your vet will also let you know when it is a good time to start your pet mating. If you are planning to get in the breeding business, you may want to check to make sure your pet doesn’t have any physical deficiencies or health problems that can be passed down to the offspring.

Most mating problems occur in males so try to match them with an experienced female. Most female pets don’t have much trouble with mating, as do males. Another thing to do to help your pet overcome his mating problems is to let the mating occur on his property. Male pets get nervous or lack confidence when on another pet’s property or turf, they feel out of place and not in control. If it’s the first time for the female and you take them out of their environment, be sure to make them feel comfortable take along a favorite toy or some treats.

Don’t try to rush things. Let the pets get to know each other if mating doesn’t take place as soon as you like or expected. Let them spend a whole day together playing and getting to know each other. Once they are comfortable with each other, mating will take place naturally. You can also help them to get to know each other before they meet by giving each pet a blanket or toy owned by the other pet. This will allow each pet to smell and become familiar with the other pet’s scent, so when they do meet they will already be familiar and comfortable with the other pet.

If your pet is being a little hesitant in going forth with the mating process, give them plenty of encouragement but don’t meddle too much. Most pets don’t like to be bothered when engaging in any natural processes. If your pet doesn’t seem to care for your choice of pet for them to breed with, then try finding another partner some pets can be pretty picky. Once the mating takes place be sure to keep an eye on the pair. For dogs, once they get locked up this can last for more than 30 minutes so watch them to make sure they don’t hurt themselves. If they are locked for more than an hour, press down on the males’ rump to help them unlock.

For cats, be sure to provide an escape route for the male cat. Many times after mating the female cat will attack the male cat. You can also trim your female feline’s claws to prevent serious injury to the male cat just in case she gets a piece of him. Also with cats, make sure you bring them together more than once to ensure pregnancy.

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