Ghetto Lifestyle

Life in the projects is a very fun environment. Everyone knows what’s going on with the next person. The people stay on top of their game, meaning, they wear name brand clothing, even though they can’t afford it. The women get their hair and nails done so that they will look like they have something more than what they do. Kids, rome the neighborhood without parental supervision. But, everyone looks out for each other. It’s called Survival. The men hang out at the apt that’s booming. Some would probably refer to it as the spot. You know, where you can go, hang out and chill with the homeboys and homegirls. The women seek after the men with the finest cars, because they shine, what I mean is, the men stick out because of what they’re driving. He can be as ugly as a turtle dove, but it’s all about the money. That’s all the women see. $$$$$$$$$$. But, that’s all that matters in the ghetto.

The men on the other hand are trying to make a comeup. They have hopes and dreams, but how many of them accomplish what they set out to do? Not very many. Some of the guys just don’t know where to begin with finding a job and on the other hand you have the ones who make more money selling illegal drugs. That’s not what makes them happy. What puts a smile on their face is feeling like they have a place, like they have something that they accomplished. The women want to be a part of that because it feels good inside. So then the next female sees what the one has and then hates and tries to steal her man by pretending to be her friend. It’s wild out there. Majority of the people in the ghetto have no education. Alot of them just give up. But, one thing I can say is that everyone in the Ghetto, take it day by day. Some women will let their bills go to attend a concert. The bills do not matter because the people in the ghetto are used to suffering. But it’s the joy of that one night, the joy of getting ready to dress up and become a part of something that’s big. Then after the day is over a new day has begun. The kids do not get the attention they need. They are being raised up by what they see. That’s not educating them properly, but it’s real life. Sad, huh. Living in the ghetto is the only way some know But it’s right to some. I hope you have found this article as inspiring as I have informing you on what it’s really like to be classified as low class.

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