Brad Pitt’s Ultimatum: No Marriage Until Anyone can Marry

Brad Pitt was interviewed for Esquire Magazine. In the interview he said he wouldn’t marry Angelina Jolie until the restrictions on who can marry who are dropped. As I read this I had to wonder what Angelina herself must think about this. Then I continued to read and he said “Angie and I will consider tying the knot when everyone else in the country who wants to be married is legally able,” So that means she agrees or so one would assume. As a woman married for 16 years now and 3 children, I think of what I would have thought if my husband had ever said this. Now I do feel who one loves is there business, well, to an extent.

If my husband would have said that he wouldn’t marry me until everyone else in the country who wanted to could get married. My first thought would be; what does someone else’s life have to do with ours? Then I would have been very upset and our relationship would have been over. I personally think this is a new copout someone uses as an excuse for not marrying the one they are supposed to love. Does Brad Pitt really think that the country really cares if he ever marries Angelina? It would probably end in divorce anyway.

If anyone who wanted to marry someone could marry anyone they chose there would be lots of problems. He doesn’t say he means same-sex marriages he says “Angie and I will consider tying the knot when everyone else in the country who wants to be married is legally able,” Well that means cousins could marry cousins, brothers could marry sisters and what about the situation of Fathers who abuse their daughters? Ok you may say well that won’t be a problem because both people have to want to be married. There is lots of cases of Fathers so controlling and brainwashing their daughters into believing it is normal so its not a far stretch to think a Father could convince his daughter it is normal and also the same with some Mothers and son’s.

I am not saying I am for or against same-sex marriage. That subject is really not what I’m worried about. As long as someone isn’t hurting anyone I feel there life and their love is their business. But to say a law needs to say anyone can marry anyone they choose, well that is going too far.

Brad should Marry Angelina because they have a child together and are raising two adopted children, he should marry her because he loves her. He shouldn’t say I won’t marry her until the country changes to how I want it, because, Brad guess what that will never happen. The country has never agreed totally on anything and never will.

Does Brad Pitt truly think that is a good excuse to not marry the woman who had his child, the woman he is supposed to love? Does Brad Pitt truly think, that broad of a law would make the world better? Does Brad Pitt really think we care what he does? Does Brad Pitt think?

The answer to that is yes. At least sometimes, onto a more sensible note about Brad Pitt and one that will help the United States are Brad’s efforts in helping New Orleans. Brad Pitt is committed to helping rebuild the Big Easy from the havoc wrought by Hurricane Katrina.Ã?Â?

“This is a social justice issue,” Pitt told reporters in a earlier interview. “In a catastrophe, you help the most vulnerable first, and we failed to do that.” So, in April Brad Pitt teamed up with environmental nonprofit Global Green USA to launch a design competition, which he partly underwrote with $100,000 of his own money. The winning blueprint was submitted by Matthew Berman and Andrew Kotchen of Workshop/APD of New York City.Ã?Â?

So it appears Brad Pitt does have some ideas to helping the country in matters. Although, I still feel saying he won’t marry Angelina until the United States does something he wants is totally crazy and just an excuse to not wed. The country, as a whole really doesn’t care if Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie marry or not.

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