Speak Your Body’s Language

According to medical professionals who are practicing Body Restoration Therapy� or BRT, there are four basic body types. From within these types there are certain diet and exercise programs that work more effectively than others.

First of all, a true diet and exercise “program” does not consist of name brand foods, expensive memberships or a special unattainable lifestyle. All it means is that apples and grapefruits work more effectively with one type of body shape than do the broccoli and carrots for another. A diet and exercise program that is safe and healthy should include food and activity that you already partake in.

A good example of an appropriate diet program might be 8 glasses of water per day, 3 or 4 fruits with plenty of vegetables. Of course many diets vary to include meats, dairy and some fats. Healthy exercise may be as simple as a daily morning walk or as vigorous as a few games of tennis! The idea is to work with your body – not against it. To do that, you must first find out which type of body you’re working with.

Dr. Eric E. Berg, D.C., founder of the BRT, who has published many books on health states in his book, “Feeling Fat, Fuzzy or Frazzled?: A 3-Step Program to: Beat Hormone Havoc, Restore Thyroid, Adrenal, and Reproductive Balance, and Feel Better Fast!”, that the natural approach is the best answer. By learning your body type and working with it, “You can then apply early natural interventions that offer needed relief, often without resorting to medications âÂ?¦ “(Intro).

Some of the symptoms caused by hormonal imbalances include joint pain, muscle weakness, belly fat, dry skin, hair loss, fatigue, irregular menstrual cycles, depression, and so much more. Many of these problems are recurring year after year while people have no idea how to cure themselves. It’s time to clean up on the inside!

The four body types are the “Liver”, the “Adrenal”, the “Ovary” and the “Thyroid” types. Here are a look at the descriptions and the symptoms that go along with them:

The “Adrenal” Body Type

This body type is heavy throughout the middle and the thighs while the arms and legs appear thinner. Fat hangs, and there is often a rounded looking face. Adrenal sufferers have difficulty coping with stress and as a result are often insomniacs or have some difficulty sleeping. These people crave caffeine, which strains the adrenal glands leaving the person exhausted all day. Adrenal people usually crave salty foods, retain water, and have a tendency toward high blood pressure and a lower oxygen intake level which leaves them sighing often. One of the biggest factors in this body type is that they don’t handle calcium well which is a huge factor with the adrenal glands.

The “Liver” Body Type

This body type is characterized by a very evenly distributed weight around the whole body except the stomach. Often common in men, it appears that they have “a gut”, but it is not made of fat. It’s actually filled with fluid! The liver is an organ in the body that actually produces hormones, so when it’s compromised, the results are apparent. Often, Liver patients have higher cholesterol, bad breath, allergies, hives and skin problems. Liver types also may have interrupted sleep and wake irritable or moody in the mornings.

The “Ovary” Body Type

Ovary, as the name suggests is limited to women. Usually heavier in the mid-section and thighs, this type is often seen as pear-shaped. Women often have more severe than normal problems during their menstrual cycles to include constipation, mood swings, acne and excessive bleeding. While not on their cycle may experience vaginal dryness, ovarian cysts, night sweats and more. The excess estrogen produced in these women cause weight gain and disproportionate fat.

The “Thyroid” Body Type

Characteristically overweight but in a proportionate manner all over the body, thyroid body types usually have very thick ankles. When the thyroid is compromised in any manner, it affects the whole body as it is the gland that controls so much in our bodies. Thyroid types suffer from dry skin, lack of interest in life, steady increased weight gain without a change in eating habits, fluid retention, chronic muscle and joint pain and inflammation, and hair loss to name a few. Many times, men and women will have negative results to thyroid tests, which are often false.

For more information on this topic, Dr. Berg has a book available called, “The 7 Principles of Fat Burning”. Or you can look at his website for a free seminar near you. This revolutionary discovery is changing the lives of many people. The all-natural treatments can be expensive, but what is the cost of life? Still skeptical? Watch the video – http://www.bergdiets.com/bodyvideo/ or visit the website http://www.weightworkshop.com/. Further information from a different website can be found at http://www.wellnessrestored.net/articles/04.html#ovary

Take control of your body and your life – only you can change it!

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